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I want to share a personal note with you, as I often do. I want you to know one of my secrets, a rare useful one.
See, sometimes my mind feels like a cage. I become paralyzed in a storm of my own thoughts. It happens when I begin to measure what is against what should be. I think I am not enough, do not have enough, am not recognized enough, am not doing enough. I am small and my ambition says I should be tall. When what should be feels too far away, my thoughts take action to devise lists: this set of habits will build me into this person and over time I’ll be there if I just keep going. Then the creature that I am responds: but I won’t and can’t and even if I try this time, I will fail again to move forward any further when it’s forced, when I plan it.
It’s a dueling match between dreaming and surviving. Each are strong, competent opponents with a long history in the ring.
I hope I am painting a picture that you can see yourself in.
So what do I do about it? Here’s my secret. I have this affirmation or prayer that I repeat. It came to my mind like someone else put it there, and this someone else is who it is addressed to.
“Thank you for giving me ambition” is the first part. Now, I believe this someone else is God the creator. I think giving God acknowledgement is the first reason why this secret is useful. I acknowledge that there is more than me at work. I acknowledge that I am created. I give thanks for the fact of my creation, that it is good. I give thanks that I have been instilled with a desire for good, to bring goodness to fruition. I affirm that something good resides in me that wants to be known and expressed.
“Thank you for giving me ambition and making me brave enough to live into it.” The second part is not always true, but saying it engages it, puts it in a different part of my mind outside the wrestling match. To be brave is to acknowledge the route is tricky and difficult, this I know and must accept. To repeat this prayer is to take my request for strength and state it as if I already possess it. That’s important, I think, and is what makes this more of an affirmation. I state it likes this because it is what I choose to do. I choose my ambition because I know it is good and brings fullfillment. I choose to be brave because I know the way is unclear. I choose to live into it, which is saying I choose this everyday, that because I am faithful, the way will be made clear one day at a time. This prevents my mind from projecting its vague images of the unknown future. Those images mislead me so often. I don’t need them. I have this day, which I am made for.
Repeating this to myself stops the argument in my head. I do feel a little too silly to say out loud, but those who are more practiced with affirmations can maybe point to how to get over that. My own personal affirmation changes the composition of my thoughts, often immediately. I find rest from the worry of action/inaction.
That’s my secret prayer, which is a rather sacred thing. I hope it can mean something to you. But you will have to write your own, or go spelunking in your own thought caverns for it.
I have a similar mantra:
Be impatient with action and patient with results.
To me, it means that life does not just have to happen to you -- you can shape your life just by taking relentless action. Some call this ambition, and I believe its something you can train, its not just something you are blessed with. Don't wait to take action, take action then wait.
When results are slow or not showing at all, realise that you're just being impatient and funnel that impatience towards more action!
Stacker.News is truly impressive. This post stacked over 100k sats which is over $92 USD, for a person simply sharing their deep thoughts.
Great post, too, by the way. As I mentioned in #770966, SN seems to be doing a good job incentivizing zapping and elevating good posts to the top.
I truly feel blessed, never expecting it
SN is the real rabbit hole 💪🤠⚡🍊 I will never stop being amazed at the wonders that happen here through VxV
Thank you for sharing this very genuine prayer. We have all really gone through that process between what we dream of and what we want to aspire to. Certainly, at times I personally felt helpless, just like you. Sometimes I dream of some things, but my insides say, “No, you can’t,” and there are other things that you have told me you can do and I have stopped. Thank you for connecting us with a spiritual being like God. God allows things or puts dreams or projects in our heads that we cannot accomplish. Keep going, thank you for this.
Bravery feels like something I must choose into every time I can recognize fear. This is a beautiful idea to keep a prayer for these times
Reading these lines makes me thank you! 🙏 It was really quite inspiring and in certain parts of the text I felt like I was the one expressing some words! I identify a lot with your strength and great will to continue forward.
Once again, thank you!! 🙏🤠
Great thoughts. I am reminded of the Serenity Prayer and can’t help drawing a link between it and your post. Having ambition makes me want to acquire the wisdom to determine the things I can change and the other things that I can’t. May we grow wiser every day!
Posts like these remind me that we're all the same when we care to look deeply enough at each other
Thanks for the reminder
feels good to be relatable, I can't lie
you're not alone :)
also thanks for the reminder that I need to take shrooms again haha
owowow... i like that!!
Heb 11:6 KJV But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Shared using AndBible: Bible Study. (https://andbible.github.io)
My own, which I'm not sure is a prayer beyond feeling like one, goes "if I work and think hard, and don't stop, I will make progress." Progress is the goal of each step and the goal on the horizon provides the direction to step in.
when it’s forced, when I plan it
This is a familiar boss in the self-actualization game. I think we install this boss because without a plan, it's not our failure when failure happens. Then we tell ourselves it wasn't meant to be, because if it was meant to be it wouldn't require effort.
This boss represents something true - if you don't try, you can't fail. But also: if you don't try, you can't succeed ... at things that require trying ... which is pretty much everything.
IMO obstacles are the only thing "meant to be" and success is what happens when you overcome them.
I like that!
deleted by author
I know what you wrote last summer.
whoops, I didn't mean to delete, but you read it right?
Yes for anyone that missed it:
Man prayers are dumb.
damn, that's why I went revising ok. but you can't place your prayers at the altar of Progress. Right? That's the thing that makes people go places they didn't mean to, away from good
Can we not progress toward good? Does good only happen when we stand still?
i never notes that in my life.... I truly feel blessed...
Thanks for sharing
Well, it seems you've read The Secret and digested it.
Thank you for sharing. My secret prayers are some of my greatest treasures.
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