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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Hello All, Good Wednesday to ya!! Hump day is here!
“The real tax burden is the size of the state.” ― Javier Milei
Is bitcoin the shark or is yield the shark?
And if it's bitcoin, should the shark be orange?
Hey Freaks,
TheWildWife is still pregnant. We've been scheduling and going to appointments, she's mostly sleeping watching tv and walking the dog nowadays. I've been cooking and grocery shopping more, I think I need to focus on feeding the woman mostly Korean food.
Official start date of my part time job has been moved to December 9. In the meantime, I really want to finish my coding/writing/shopstr/music projects. And I still need to get my start9 up and running again.
Thanks, Hustle
Hustle! I dm'd you on nostr a while ago. Maybe it got lost in the relay forest. Let's talk sometime.
Sounds good,
Try sending the DM again, I checked but still don't see anything.
Day #134 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut? https://docs.cashu.space/wallets
The primary job of a leader is to take responsibility when it isn't easy to assign.
Most by laws have the president taking up responsibilities of absent positions, if the absentee cannot find a replacement themselves. The president could also appoint a temporary substitute.
I thought the primary job of the leader was to take credit for everything everyone else did?
I thought the leader always took responsibility for everything in his/her sphere of influence. That included the actions of subordinates. Politicians are not leaders, they are something completely different and are no different than the “class leaders” and such that you had in high school. In fact, a lot of the current crop of politicians probably were high school “class leaders”. That is where they seemed to have learned their techniques. :)
I have worked for many very poor leaders.
If you were a king...
$94K USD breached! Yes, yes, 1 BTC = 1BTC. But now that 1 BTC buys us all a little bit more!
I used to like to play the guitar a lot and then I learned the guitar and now I want to learn another instrument and my voice is not good enough to sing haha 😆
Take voice training lessons.
What Is Your Role In Stacker News? #774350
Come and join in the fun! 🤠
Ah another trip around the Sun! It’s been a good year. Let’s get an ATH!
"A Jack-of-all-trades may be the master-of-none, but a Jack-of-one-trade is the connector of none."
This is the full quote by Eric Weinstein:
“Every subject is much easier than the people who wish to make money teaching it would have you know. So, for every single subject that can be systematized, there is a systematization that allows you to get 80% percent of the power with probably 5 or 10% of the effort. So the key question is that you have to prove that you have the superpower to rearrange the subject, to disintermediate the people who get paid for teaching it – which will always push you towards mastery, which is a question of getting the last 2 or 3% out of the system. And so the good news is that you can rearrange any subject to learn most of it very, very quickly. The bad news is that it will feel terrible because you will be told that you are doing the wrong thing and dooming yourself to a life of mediocrity as a jack of many trades, master of none – but in fact, the problem is that the jack of one trade is the connector of none. Good luck!”
I sometimes still cringe at myself when I remember how I casually told a fellow working student that I use SSH keys without passwords. He was shocked and I didn't understand why. I thought it was more annoying than useful. It might be but the consequences of someone getting access to your unprotected SSH keys are too severe.
Please put passwords on your SSH keys, thank you.
I am so sleepy
thanks, you reminded me I need to buy a new bulb for my kitchen
What will you cook for dinner? 😋
probably steak, I am trying out the carnivore diet since the AMA
Great choice! Stay healthy!
Yep is it good
Good morning, I wrote my Polish language final exam today, I'm not saying it was easy, I'm not saying I have everything right because I have to wait for the results but I don't understand why I have 4 hours for it when I did all the tasks in 2.5 hours.
Well maybe because you were well prepared for it? Also, your English has improved!
Well maybe because you were well prepared for it? Also, your English has improved!
it's possible, but I wouldn't say that English has improved, and so that it's less jarring to use a translator to correct mistakes, I have to admit the truth, I didn't say that earlier, for which I apologize
I hope you don’t take it the wrong way.
No, I don’t! I’m glad you are using ChatGPT to your advantage!
SATOSHI - 0.14 - November 19th 2008 Hal Finney Asked "How Large do You Envision it Becoming? Tens of Nodes? Thousands? Millions?"
There Are Currently Over 78000 Bitcoin Nodes.
Day 334 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 746 sats on 18Nov2024! Running total: 232,373 sats!
day 110: 39 sats on 11-18-24. total 4136⚡sats!
me: this is such a tiny amount of sats, will this ever be worth anything?
also me, looking at darthcoin's screenshot from way back:
Day 298 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 5 or 6x36 normal/narrow, 21 pike; Total: 201 (or 237) (Day 402 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 301 of 120+ pushups per day)
Happiness Journal 19/11/2024
  • Went for a unique kintsugi workshop
  • Not only blogged about it here, but also cross-posted it on my blog. It keeps my dream of one day withdrawing $150 from Google Adsense alive
Haha only 5 mins in and l am already so late to post.
FUCK THE STATE ! Now even legacy media start seeing the dangers of CBDCs hahahaha
i wudn't say the legacy media personas see this encroachment, but the people within the legacy media when they finally speak and think outside the script, even for a moment.
the lady in pink recalled a story about her daughter, which was her real story. until the people encounter the problem in-real-life, they cannot see it, because the paycheck depends on telling lies.
anyways, all of these "awakened" spokespersons will lose there jobs very soon, and lies will be propagated by virtual bots (surrogates) instead.
[note: plural of person(a) is person(a)s. plural of man = men. plural of woman = women. group of men and women = people.]
There are a lot of these types around. I include corporate, university and government scientists in this group. They can ONLY see what they are paid to see. That is the conclusions of whatever they were told to find. A great example of this is the people crapping in our skies. The pilots, the repair techs, the companies and the “investors” are all seeing only what they are paid to see. One person that writes says that we should feel no compunctions about catching the pilots of the plains and breaking every bone in both their hands so they cannot ever fly again, for doing what they are doing and being paid for it. I agree with him but would desire to expand it to the owners of the planes and the top management of the companies.
indeed the order-followers (secondary psychopaths) are the ones ultimately responsible for the damages to the people, in disproportionate numbers.
the primary psychopaths make up a tiny fraction of the population, and vary by intelligence. the dumb ones get caught, and the smart ones recruit the military/police/fumigators, etc. to do their bidding.
Yes, but the blowback never reaches the primary psychopaths. What we need is to be able to make the bosses accountable. I think if a few of them swung, there would be a sea-change in what they are doing. You know, Schwab, Gates, Rockefellers and Rothchilds.
someone needs to put all those psychos in here:
fun fact, i know someone who used to work on memory transplantation.
until the people encounter the problem in-real-life, they cannot see it, because the paycheck depends on telling lies.
very good point 👍
there is also the top eschelon, the dark occultists, who manage the three branches. even tho it's almost impossible to detect who they are, they are the answer to who really directs the symphony of destruction.
the order-followers below have severely twisted minds or minds too weak to resist, often hand-picked from children with childhood trauma or children with parents who are primary psychopaths themselves.
Great one!! There are only people doing these crooked things, only people. They are all individuals that have “ganged up”.