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I’ve always been the type of person to absolutely need to rant about the books I read, whether I love them or hate them lol.
I understand that very clearly. I am reading one currently that makes it difficult to even pick up the book to read only one page. I just can't seem to bring myself to reading it because of the choppy style of writing that must have been popular when the book was written.
There is always a balance between ossification and moving fast and breaking things.
Sometimes moving fast and breaking things is the only reasonable option. For instance, the American state has ossified to such an extent that we needed a bull in the china shop to loosen things up. In books, the one I am reading took up the style Frank Herbert used in Dune, chopping up points of view into different chapters and giving each an introduction. Herbert did it well, others, not so well.
That is a good analogy and metaphor!