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By June 202522.7%
July 2025 - Dec 202527.3%
2027 or 20284.5%
2029 or later4.5%
22 votes \ poll ended
What politicians vote it really doesn't matter for Bitcoin. What matter is IF people start using BTC as money. That's all.
A bullshit "bitcoin reserve" it means we will still be using fiat and be their slaves.
politicians have outsized influence over the minds of the people.
for me, it's useful to accept that part of our reality.
According to what I've read... Donald Trump's campaign promise to create a national Bitcoin stockpile with cryptocurrencies seized by the United States government has former prosecutors worried. According to them, one consequence would be the diversion of digital assets that could be used to compensate victims of crimes. The acquisition of BTC was through seizure in criminal and civil forfeiture cases brought by federal prosecutors and overseen by US judges.
--The U.S. government only obtains assets through a judge's final forfeiture orders, added Laurel Loomis Rimon, another former federal prosecutor. The government's goal is not to make money from these assets as Trump suggests, she said. “I assume he is trying to please the cryptocurrency industry,” he said. “It doesn’t make much sense.”