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I understand you, the sea is spectacular, fishing 🎣 and sailing have been some of the best experiences I have ever had in my life. I was a city boy, I visited the sea a couple of times a year approximately and it was always the typical family outing, going to the beach 🏖️ to play, eat and then we went back. As an adult, when the dolphin thing happened 🐬 I had the good fortune to live for approximately two years near the sea and it was the best thing that had happened in my life up to that point. Learning to swim better, learning to sail, to fish, to drive a small motorboat, among other things, was the best thing that has ever happened to me, believe me, they were good times. My financial and monetary ignorance did not allow me to take advantage of the little prosperity I had at that time and then in 2017 the crisis forced me to leave the beach and later to leave the country and try to find my way, starting from 0 somewhere else, I sold the little I had to leave the country at that time and that was when my great migratory adventure began, which has lasted 7 years.
In my thinking, the stories would be different at different stages of your life. If you did the sailing and fishing with dolphins thing when you were 35-40 it would be a very different experience to a 20 year old. And likewise the romantic situation resolution.
I understand and you are absolutely right, thinking a little 🤔... each of these experiences followed the other more or less with periods of two years each... and I can honestly internalize that there was a personal-mental growth and a certain connection indirectly in which each stage that I was addressing helped me in one way or another to reach the next stage or experience.