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I'll probably flesh this out more and pose this to everyone on SN, but some combination of i) a giant user influx (maybe 10xing the current size) and ii) people trying to sat farm (like karma farming on Reddit) where people are just mass publishing popular content from other sites for satbait. The combination would be lethal, especially if the influx of people validate the satfarming / satbait because they are treating SN's culture like it's a mainstream content site (i.e., the most popular subreddits, buzzfeed clickbait). One pro of stacker.news is that people with less access to sats with personal capital can build a small stack here, but the flip side of that is that people with lower incomes could see this as a legitimate form of income and try to mass post to satfarm and push out other content.
Do you think if there were a lot of people in SN it would go bankrupt? Or would it be harder to win or stack Sats?
It depends on how generous the stackers are. @k00b donates a 100k sats a day to the reward pool, and I think that helps bootstrap SN, but not sure how long he can do it, or how it scales. It depends on the users I suppose. The Sybil fee helps for sure.
Good question and good response. I would imagine the more “mainstream” SN got, the more people would be in it for the rewards. That being said, I wonder how many people give more than they receive on here and how people think about their balance / reupping their wallet.
I think that would also be crazy haha this is an excellent platform.
It'll be interesting to watch the stats when SN completes the non-custodial wallet migration.
yes it would be totally interesting.