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I was surprised to learn Thomas Massie lives entirely off grid in a timber framed and wood fastened home he built entirely by himself using the wood he milled himself and materials from his land in Kentucky. He gets power from solar which he stores in a salvaged Tesla battery he wired and wrote the software to manage himself. He gets his water from a dug well on his property. He did his own plumbing and septic. He keeps cows, chickens, and ducks.
Anyway, really awesome build and he seems like a great dude.
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Crap that would’ve been perfect.
Awesome. I still have a lot of work to do before we are fully self sustaining.
To be fair, it helps that Massie probably amassied a fortune with his VR haptics startup.
Yeah. We are doing it the other way.
Massie is an interesting dude and as close to a Ron Paul as I have seen in office. Pretty based for a politician and honestly, more than most of us keyboard warriors.
Yeah super happy to have found him. He's like a young Ron Paul but an engineer instead of a doctor.
Yeah he talked about this with his interview with Tucker! Great mind indeed when it comes to engineering
There's where I heard about this. I've always been fascinated by joinery and got really excited when he started talking about all his experiments. I also really loved his rule of "buy three books" when you want to learn one thing.
I think the only other time I'd heard about Massie was when his wife passed earlier this year. I was freshly awestruck by his accomplishments when I remembered it. It sounds like they lived quite a few lifetimes worth of dreams.
This looks great! I wonder why Massie doesn’t push the green agenda? With this sort of background he could do it convincingly. He doesn’t push it, perhaps, because he knows that solar and batteries are not enough to power an advanced society.
What is the green agenda? Socialism? That's usually what I get from it. Sounds like he is doing it and not just LARPing like most that talk green.
Yes, the green agenda is a cover for communism. Watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside. One thing that bothers me is that currently, in the US, they have confabulated red and blue. This is a communist trick to make people very confused about who is whom and what is what. Everywhere else in the world red means communist.
He does know the expectations around EVs and solar are unrealistic. His position seems to be that our grid is too weak to support the EV mandates.
I can understand that coming from an engineer. He has a realistic perspective on the possibilities of battery and battery life in respect to the production of electrical power. He may also suspect that there is a different and better way to make EVs, without batteries. I am happy to have someone in congress that is not just a NPC politician.
People that are self sufficient are amazing.