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This chart shows the cost of one pound of bananas (U.S. city average) over the time range from January 2020 though August 2022.
Sat Dash lets you see this for all types of products ... rice, ground beef, regular unleaded gasoline, electricity, etc.
To get this ~2 year time range, I chose the 5 year chart, then hovered my mouse over the right end of the chart using the scroll wheel zoomed in to see just since January 2020.

Sat Dash:
This is the technical analysis I'm looking for
Meio quilo de bananas, já chegou a 6.000 satoshis. Isto sim é dar valor ao Bitcoin em si. Esta sim é a análise técnica que procuro :)
A Banana song to sing along to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rw7PUrgU3N0
the only "Bitcoin price" I care about 😂