Have you looked at the actual exchange or only relied upon the OPs version of it.
If you follow the actual exchange who was doing the name calling?
The OP responded to my comment on his post. I never forced him to do anything. He claimed and still claims-
'We had gone through the same tedious argument several times and the person never engaged with my points, but just kept repeating their assertions'
His actual comment- 'I've told you before why I don't think your arguments are any good.'
The problem is the OP has not backed up this claim with any evidence - instead demanding I go and check past comments to verify what he has claimed. I do not know how I could do that and am pretty sure he knows that it would be a massive task to go through thousands of past comments to find what he claims has occurred.
Remember this is in the context of the OPs post about Libertarians asking for more engagement by those who no agree with them!