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I see that sending Bitcoin costs a huge network fee sometimes, is there a way to lower it? (I'm a huge noob in Bitcoin plz don't hate if this question looks dumb to you).
Whenever possible, use Lightning Network.
I am learning about lightning networks and also found Zeus wallet. The problem is where I live Bitcoin is a very new thing that's why people only demand in Bitcoin address.
Zeus wallet is great but I would not recommend it for total noobs like you. It will be useful later when you already learned more about how LN works.
Please read here:
I will go through them. Thanks again 👍people here pay sats when they get help but i am paying you 'thanks' for now only.
You do not have to zap me sats for my answers. Is more than enough if you really read all the material I sent you. Once you read them all you will understand why I say what I say here on SN.
I am going through them. Really appreciate your help.
There's no such thing as a dumb question in bitcoin. Yes, you can use a wallet that enables you to manually set your own fee (known as the fee rate).
The lowest fee rate that you can set is 1 sat/vByte but that is too low to be added to the blockchain right now.
MemPool Space has a simple fee estimator tool right on their home page that you might find helpful. https://mempool.space/
Also, you can lean more about the fee rate here: https://www.whatisbitcoin.com/learn/what-is-the-fee-rate
Personally, I would recommend that you use Sparrow Wallet because it does just about everything that you could possibly want but Electrum is also a very powerful wallet.
Let me know if you need any more help.
Thanks for the information. It is really very helpful for me.
  • use batch transactions (putting together multiple txs into single one)
  • use Lightning Network
  • Bitcoin onchain is the final settlement, holding, vault, long term stacking. At this level you only have transactions for opening / closing LN channels.
  • Bitcoin Lightning Network is The Payment Network for Bitcoin, at this level you have the payments, not the transactions.
I have to know a lot to understand what you are saying those are very fancy words 😅but I am trying my best to learn
Read here: