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They have certainly delayed a few times, but to be fair, browsers are really hard to do well.
That said, I don't fully understand why they insist on setting exact release dates unless it's to motivate everyone to stay on target.
It is more of marketing tactics...! Create buzz, release closed beta, open waitlist, raise next funding round from VC, go back hiding...!
ya looking forward to playing with it, setting my expectations really low
They don't seem impervious to delays :p
I really don’t like all-in-one apps. Superficially, no brand/design is strong enough where I want to spend hours in their app every day. I need variety. Fundamentally, tightly coupling a bunch of stuff together, it is just a maintenance disaster and results in poor experience.
I think there was some study done on why this works in Asia but not in the US. It could genuinely be some cultural difference, I’m not sure.
Agreed. That's why I like the fact that Breez is splitting the apps in their wallet into different applications.
Which apps are they splitting into?
They're splitting into a stand-alone lightning wallet, a V4V podcast app like Fountain, and a Point of Sales app at least. They're also utilizing Greenlight to let the users control their keys without having a whole lightning node on their phone. I really like how they're making things much more modular. More info: https://medium.com/breez-technology/get-ready-for-a-fresh-breez-multiple-apps-one-node-optimal-ux-519c4daf2536
Is the v4v podcast standalone app already released?
Not to my knowledge
I only believe it when I see it... Still vapor as far as I am concerned. No one I know that applied for their early release got it. They say thousands and thousands of applicants. Sure...