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Give the billions he has made with Tesla surging not to shabby of an investment!
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Elon spent all of October in Pennsylvania.
One of his teenage kids 'transitioned', one reason why he has moved right, can you blame him?
I'm not a fan of Elon or most elites. That said, I can think of a few that seem to be doing more harm to the world. If I were as wealthy as one of these people I too would be paying for protection from another four years of the democrat machine. Elon has been in their cross hairs.
Elon could do a lot worse than he has done. I don't trust him, but that doesn't really matter.
He spent enough. Nowhere near as much as China laundered through ActBlue, though.
thank you
Obama never verified credit card addresses when he ran in 2008 and 12
Elon get return as well
Nobody should ever trust Elon Musk but he won. A win is a win.
Just as our founding fathers imagined it I suppose...
Looks like it’ll pay off for him
Politicians -- holders of powers that society grants only to them -- take advantage of their privileged position and outsource the rights to use their political authority on the black market of lobbies and bribes (naturally dominated by the rich). That interest group or that most powerful businessman will receive the favor of the corresponding politician.
The politicians' strategy, therefore, consists of "patrimonializing" the political authority that the population has granted them. The politician capitalizes on his authority and leases it to whoever offers the most.