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Unlike #758886, I actually don't know myself which song this is. I only have a few short lyrics and that it's a female voice:
what's with all the hatred filling our basements slowly tearing us apart
why can't we just show love? ???
(instead of "filling our", it could also be "coming out the", and "why can’t we" could be "is it too much to")
Can you find it?
Oh and is the most popular streaming service (Spotify) really not able to show me the last songs I played? I only found the option to show the last albums I played buried in some menu in the web version and the iOS app.
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Ohh, this was supposed to be also a bounty post. 5000 sats for the finder!
Oh and I think after "slowly tearing us apart" comes "honestly I’ve had enough".
Andromedik and RANI ‘Bleed the Same’ ?
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Congratulations! I tried but couldn't find. It's an amazing song.
oh my god, yes, thank you my favorite armadillo 👀
I completely butchered the lyrics but I knew immediately that's the song when I heard the "ouhhuu"
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the lyrics are awesome, so many gems in there, even the title
and I would say the lyrics that I pulled out of my ass also aren't that bad haha
Andromedik and RANI are also artists that I don't recognize at all, I think I just found new ones that I need to get familiar with
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I was about to post that I am just going to claim the lyrics for myself if nobody finds the song haha
I think I am going to try to play some DnB on my piano soon
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