How funny children are, they can have thousands of toys but when it comes to playing they use any box, glass or even candy packaging and somehow create a story or a game that they spend up to an hour developing.
Here I am writing this lying down while my daughter throws dozens of candies from one side to the other, and the little I can hear of what she is talking about to herself is that she is fighting or combating with some imaginary villains and at the same time making sounds like magic. I am silent, pretending to be indifferent or rather pretending to be dead hahaha so as not to interrupt her inspiration, because also for some reason it is enough for you to make a sound, word or walk by her side for them to stop playing.
Fun fact: The candies she's using to play are the ones she collected on Halloween, that's what candies are for in this house, to have magical powers and attack witches.
This reminds me of the movie Toy Story 4, where Bonnie prefers to play with a plastic spoon. Do your kids do things like that too?