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I used to believe in God and spiritualism and also myths a lot. Now, I know that all of this is just a creation by humans, so never looking at these anymore. I'm happy I'm realistic now.
I'm genuinely curious: where do you find meaning? What's your aim?
God may be an invention by humans, myths may be inventions by humans, agreed. But overall, they serve the purpose, innit? Humans cannot live without meaning, cannot navigate thorough life without a system of values. The more the organic, systematic and coherent the system of values, the less anxiety provoking is life and its challenges.
I do not believe in God in a strict sense nor I'm oriented towards supernatural beliefs, I'm curious about how you carry on and where you find meaning if you consider the death of God as a conquer for your human experience. Something shall replace it I guess, emptyness is not a solution.