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These are some creative questions... it's interesting to learn that it is not based on previous knowledge but on the application of supposedly acquired critical thinking techniques.
I would likely have had a hard time as a 12-year old to answer some of these questions, especially the first one (i hope in the original exam, the quality of the figure was better~~). I did not know that air tubes are formed between the larvae and the surface of the water. Only when knowing that, one can guess that the oil is blocking the flow of air.
I think because it’s a one-mark question, children are just expected to reply that oil forms a barrier and prevents air from entering the water, so the mosquitoes lack the air to stay alive.
But since we have a hot housing culture here, the tuition centres and enrichment centres will drill into the kids that larvae have breathing turned, and our well-trained kids will reply as such haha
Are there nationwide exams for sixth graders in South Korea? Will love to look at the questions n compare n contrast syllabus outcomes, esp since I can use ChatGPT to translate questions these days