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We know the West's motto for the Ukraine war: to the last Ukrainian! The Europeans are opening their coffers to help England out of its fiscal squeeze, which is massively invested in Ukraine's debt. Just like the Biden government in the White House, the most important imperative now is to keep the proxy war on the boil. Everything is eyeing Russian reparations, but one can assume that this will remain a dream world. Germany is facing political chaos, is in recession and these so-called representatives of the people are sending billions into a meat grinder that is costing human lives.
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I believe this was the reason for the breakup? Lindner was categorically opposed to the request for more debt to finance the Ukraine war... Is that you're assessment as well, TomK?
Anyway, what a shitshow!
IMO the FDP came into big trouble in recent elections with incredible loss of confidence in their voter basis. That's why they crashed the coalition with this paper on econ reforms. It's the way it is usually done.
By the way: I worked in the press dept of the FDP when he joint as the youngest member in the history of a german state parliament our faction in Northrine-Westfalia. He's a clever guy, very warm-hearted but a Davosian asset.
It's all big theater.
I've heard the same about Lindner, that he's very clever and skilled rhetorically.
Thinking about it, he wouldn't be allowed anywhere near the levers of powers if he wasn't a Davosian asset.
That s correct
I assume that Germany, much like the US has done so far, has been sending their old outdated mothballed vehicles from the boneyard. If they haven't I mean it would make sense to send them to Ukraine who wants them so that you don't have to junk up areas with them. I could also see this though from an economic output lifeline as well. Germany has been struggling economically and the West overall has diminished capacity to build/manufacture basic things like artillery shells so boosting that I feel like is a solid move overall.
I for sure don't want war but I think if the US goes back to how it was under the first term of Trump with walking with a huge stick and whacking the shit out of people who step outta line then we will be a more peaceful world and Germany I think could benefit as well from that.
Everyone wants a piece of russia. They know the land is rich in resources.
That s what it's all about: energy
Realistically then forget Russia we want Venezuela they have the largest reserves after all
But the russians have all these nice ressources the civilized world needs. Only the EU is of the opinion that de-growth is actually wealth
Given the sheer size of them it makes sense they have a crap load of resources however those are I assume located in areas that are ethnically not Russian and I mean push comes to shove once Putin dies the country could fragment
One of the EU warmongers (pres. of Lithuania??) just 2 months ago openly declared they wanted to split Russia into its 200 ethnics
Yes, if you split it it is easier to buy, right?
Exactly. It's the english playbook: color revolution, divide the country, draw borders that guarantee conflict and put cooperating politicians in power that allow own contracters exploit ressources. Worked over centuries
It is regrettable that Ukraine continues to be supported and even more regrettable that the war continues to be supported!! Germany must react as soon as possible to get out of this recession although I believe it will not be easy... I think that with the new elected president of the USA the war of powers will be more latent than ever!!!
Uhh war is honestly fantastic for economies so getting out of a recession isn't a great point. The US doubled down on the war on terror during the great recession, to get out of the great depression we got WWII as well. Not trying to say start a war but it employs people, money moves around the economy, really everyone on the winning side turns out much better.
China as well is having issues on the domestic front so what do they do they start poking the people in the South China Sea to draw attention to that
Well, that's a very good perspective!!πŸ€” That's why I like to keep an eye on @TomK posts, he keeps me up to date with the economy of the Eurozone and the entire world πŸ‘Œ 🌍
Thanks. During my career I've been the small contrarian opposition in the german media.
Perfect πŸ‘Œ then keep postingπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
Have a nice day
Its good to have all sides of something at the table. Pushing away views is what gets countries and their stability in trouble.
I could argue with You all day long that my libertarian/anarcho-capitalist/humanist philosophical standpoint is ethically superior to any kind of statist/communist perspective 99% of the corporate media is defending
They would need to drop out of the globalist camp to do this