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Sloooowly learning how to create cartoons with AI and move to the world where zaps replace hearts in a world of V4V. My full weekly posts are on Substack. Chuckrussell.substack.com.
See both my version and one that Grok created.
Whats your opinion on local models?
I have not tried them and frankly had to ask ChatGpt to tell me what is meant by local models. I wasn’t aware that was possible for graphic generation. Looks like it is possible with some heavy hardware. Might look into it if I really start cranking out material. On a separate AI idea, I’ve been collecting captions from every publication for more than a year and have this vision of having AI mine this data set on my hard drive for ideas each week. https://gagrecap.colemantoons.com/
I am of the opinion that you will more accurately realize your vision if you use your own computer and choice of model. At least that's the path I am on. Curious what you think. Do you pay for grok?
I'm guessing you are using a windows computer. Have you heard of https://pinokio.computer/ ? It's makes installing models/programs easy. There may also be better ones since I last looked.
having AI mine this data set on my hard drive for ideas each week.
Awesome recs! Will dig deeper into these. I pay for Grok and DALLE. Cancelled Midjourney because I could get the captions to show up very well.
Monetary props for being honest about using AI