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Nearly two centuries ago, Alexis de Tocqueville warned of a profound threat to democracy: "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money." Today, we're living through the fulfillment of his prophecy.
Here's how the modern vote-buying scheme works:
  • Politicians promise expansive social programs to win elections
  • These programs are funded with taxpayers' own money or the central bank's money printer (monetizing new issued gov bonds paid via inflation later in the process)
  • Citizens become increasingly dependent on government handouts
  • Politicians expand programs further to secure more votes
  • The cycle perpetuates itself, creating an ever-growing state
The numbers don't lie: governments worldwide are consuming an ever-larger share of economic output. This expanding state apparatus creates a dangerous feedback loop that threatens our economic future.
Here's how the death spiral works:
  • Governments expand programs and obligations
  • Tax rates climb to fund these initiatives
  • Higher taxes reduce private sector investment
  • Reduced investment slows productivity growth
  • Slower growth leads to calls for more government intervention
  • And the cycle continues...
Consider this: Every dollar that goes to government is a dollar that can't be invested in productivity-enhancing innovations. It's lost in the welfare machine.
Real-world examples are everywhere. Small business owners delay hiring. Startups postpone expansion. Corporations relocate to more tax-friendly jurisdictions. The result? Slower job creation, stagnant wages, and diminished economic dynamism.
What Tocqueville couldn't have foreseen was the scale of modern vote-buying through welfare programs. Today's politicians have perfected the art of redistributing wealth, not to solve genuine social problems, but to create permanent voting blocks dependent on government largesse.
The solution is straightforward but requires political will: reduce government spending, lower tax burdens, and let the private sector drive economic growth through voluntary exchange and innovation. History shows that economic freedom, not government control, creates prosperity.
The choice is clear: continue down the path of ever-expanding government and declining growth, or embrace economic liberty and unleash human potential.
Bribing people with their own stolen money.
I don't think state and local taxes are included. Those make up the majority of American taxes.
I think they aren't. And if we add inflation as hidden tax we get a feeling for the great theft that is organized
Consider this: Every dollar that goes to government is a dollar that can't be invested in productivity-enhancing innovations. It's lost in the welfare machine.
In his latest podcast, Peter Schiff explains why reducing gov spending is almost impossible, at least for the US. It's just too late and Congress will never allow it. The withdrawal syndrome would mean political suicide. https://fountain.fm/episode/iu4PRkTRmWnIgURq5LrN
If the new gov breaks the power of the military complex like Kennedy tried and executes the Monroe Doctrine it's easily done.
Honestly, I doubt this will ever happen. I have more modest expectations: immigration, Ukraine war, health, and as a nice to have, bitcoin.
This would really be enough to bring real change