This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Finally used Feels like I doxx myself but curious to see if it works and more importantly using sats to buy stuff.
you give an address to a stranger, who doesn't know you. they could be the government, but more likely someone who gets paid by someone who works for the government than the government directly.
more seriously though, I've used it several times for several years and the van hasn't come to get me yet.
Some stats after each 5,000 items.
SN Item #75,000: Sep 29, 2022 (15 days since Sep 14, 2022) 333 / day
Building a cabin (or a tiny house) using this badass, old school tutorial Unfortunately it's raining here right now, so while I'm waiting for it to stop, I'm trying out some prints created with the generator at
Maybe you want to start with one like this... will cost you 5 bucks and 15min time to wrap it.
what's the use of it? just really easy?
polytunnel of some sort I guess
I've built something similar a year ago 😉
Stuff in our daily lives being disrupted by lightning:
  1. Payments
  2. (Social) Media
  3. Energy (Grid)
  4. Gaming
  5. Geopolitics
Can you name some others?
banks and govs. They are fucked.
Micropayments (if you didn't include them with "Payments")
I have returned to my normal schedule of waking up around 5:30, but let's see what happens this weekend. Maybe I get thrown for another loop and wake up at 2am Monday morning!
In other news, Friday has arrived. Weekend starts at the end of the day for working schleps like me. Woohoo!
Thoughts and prayers to all those impacted by Hurricane Ian though.
Have you ever thought of why so many smart brains are not working on Bitcoin? Do they honestly think they can create something better, or are they intentionally scamming people? 🤔
Maybe our definition of smart brains needs adjusting
Haha, or maybe call them: people whom are on the dark side of the force 😂
Humans are greedy and selfish
Ignorant, too.
Most humans seem to enjoy f*cking with nature and others,and then pay higher costs in the future.
Running the London Marathon this weekend. Had an awesome training block over the last 10 weeks and looking forward to getting 26.2 miles done.
Been raising money for a local hospice back in my hometown to keep the legs moving :D. Wish me luck!
I miss running. Best of luck!
Good luck 1,000 sats to boost energy levels during the run
Thank you, my friend! Maybe I'll need a "fueled by sats" shirt for the next one
Best of luck! Much later this year it seems, Let us know how you get on and share some highlights for us.
Got a game plan? Music or Bitcoin podcasts to keep you motivated?
Thank you! Yeah, they're moving it back to spring as of next year. Will certainly share the results when I'm through the other side!
The game plan is to try not to get too excited and stick to my pace, the challenge starts at 19 miles, so I arrive there in good time with as much in the tank as possible!
Good luck. How long have you been training for, or have you always been a runner?
I actually started running ~5 years ago with the intention of running the London Marathon. I applied to run the first 2 years but didn't get a spot. I then got a spot through the charity and got delayed another 2 years with COVID sigh.
When I first started running I could barely make 60 seconds, a few weeks ago I ran my longest run of training at over 21 miles. It's amazing to make your body do something your mind thinks is impossible, it does wonders for both.
Playing with a new BTCPayServer instance on CLN.
Weekend. Soon.
Every day is "weekend" for me, but my fav is Mondays: fewer ppl everywhere, more efficient and better experience at getting things done 😂
same for me, I also love happy mondays :)