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My friends, my fellow Bitcoiners. Need I remind you of what Donald Trump really represents... Shitcoinism
Donald Trump is not a Bitcoiner. He sells, markets, and seeks to profit solely off of Shitcoins, NFTs, and World Liberty Financial Token scams. Scams that are so bad they cannot be sold or transferred per smart contract... so as to remain barely legal and keep him, D Trump, out of jail.
Donald Trump doesn't even own Bitcoin but Ethereum from selling NFTs and Jpegs that are outright scams... scams that
  • poison the public's understanding of Bitcoin
  • invite regulatory attention and scrutiny and
  • fuel the "anti-crypto" army led by people like Elizabeth Warren and other democratic lawmakers.
When Donald Trump sells scams and gives the greenlight to Coinbase to sell scams (which he will if elected) it makes the future worse for Bitcoin rather than better. Imagine a 10x increase in scams, shitcoins, rugpulls, NFTs, memecoins, and garbage suddenly given the greenlight by a new Trump administration...
To Coinbase and every other Shitcoin-Casino out there. It will confuse the public and any "pendulum swing" towards "crypto" (which we DON'T want to see) will inevitably invite a swing in the opposite direction harming Bitcoin. This could reverse any progress and make things potentially harder for Real Bitcoiners and Sound Money.
In other words... More Shitcoins-On-Bitcoin, more scams, and more confusion as Donald Trump is NOT a Bitcoiner and he could give a FUCK as to what Bitcoin is and represents. Sound Money and Economic Energy native to the internet is NOT his Forte, he cares about himself and himself alone.

  • Trump is also a trade-protectionist. He loves tariffs.
  • Who cares you might think. 'He'll pump Bitcoin'.
Well how long is it before he requires that Bitcoin be "domestically produced" OH WAIT he already said that he wants it "made in the USA." Well wait till someone tells him that ASICS are overwhelmingly produced overseas... NOT in the United States HOW LONG will he be singing Bitcoin's tune then?
And Bitcoin is overwhelmingly for free trade, the best money, used by free people, to buy whatever-thehell-they-want regardless of where it's made or comes from. To which Trump is antithetical - he loves tariffs and doesn't want Americans (or anyone for that matter) buying things made "overseas".
  • Bitcoin is international money and liquid global capital at the speed of light and nothing could be more opposite to a trade protectionist and an economic-imbecile like Mr. Trump.
Anywhere, any language, at any time, Bitcoin is money that goes the distance and Mr Trump is a trade protectionist with views antithetical to free trade.

'Oh well' you say. 'He'll lower taxes'. 'He'll cut spending'.
To which I would say, read almost every conservative-economist's (ANY economist's) take on Trump's economic plans. They will increase the national deficit, putting upwards pressure on interest rates, putting upward pressure on inflation possibly slowing the economy.
Who cares you say... you 'have Bitcoin and a great inflation-hedge' (and it is a great hedge). But be careful what you wish for.
  • Trump is not a friend to freedom and the moment that Bitcoin becomes a political liability for him he will dump it immediately. As recently as 2019 Trump said that Bitcoin 'sounds like a scam' and 'was not money'. Now he "loves crypto" and sells NFTs of himself.
Does this sound like a Bitcoiner to you?
I've listened, and you've listened, to Trump's Nashville 2024 speech (it's on Youtube) and he clearly does not know what Bitcoin is. In how many recent interviews (in ANY interviews) on the economy or his economic plans does he EVER mention Bitcoin or how it helps savers...
NEVER. He never mentions it. Trump NEVER mentions Bitcoin, ever, and instead all he talks about are tariffs which are antithetical to free trade and Austrian economics. Instead he boasts of 'pressure' on the Fed to steer interest rates (OPPOSITE to free markets) and he has a terrible record as a businessman.
Multiple bankruptcies. Endless lawsuits. A failed casino...
Does this sound like a Bitcoiner to you? Is this an intro to 'The Bitcoin Standard'?

I respect that there are many perspectives on the future of Bitcoin. However I don't want a 'collapse' of the current system - as much as I love Bitcoin and want to see it prosper peer-to-peer. It would be fucking scary and that is not realistic.
I want gradual transition over time to a better system, where anyone can have, and use, sound money simply from flipping a coin or downloading Sparrow.
But Trump does not represent that. He is not that change, that transition, and he promises nothing. He could have freed Ross U (which he MAY or MAY NOT actually do) years ago and he didn't. And if he knows so little about Bitcoin... how would that pardon make any sense? If Bitcoin or a pardon (and he has a LONG list of pardons) becomes a liability for him he'll dump it immediately just like he dumps everything else.
Extreme caution in my opinion is advised.
Things can get worse for Bitcoiners, and despite the slow progress for Bitcoin the Money (TM) Trump does not necessarily guarantee improvement. Things have come a long way and from
  • Tariffs
  • Increased competition to the Dollar (from foreign currencies and Trump's Trade Wars (TM))
  • plus the greenlight to the Shitcoin Casino (Coinbase)
the complexity of world events could have unpredictable consequences.
In my opinion, Donald Trump is completely unpredictable, he cares about himself and himself alone, and severe caution is advised. Trade wars, an activist executive branch inspired by vengeance, and the diminishing influence of the United States (which Trump wants) could have completely unpredictable consequences for Bitcoin and I just hope those consequences are positive.

In closing I would just say...
Think of your friends, your family, your spouse, your no-coiner co-workers... people who haven't "discovered" Bitcoin yet but eventually will.
Will they find Bitcoin as sound money? Or just Bitcoin as one token... at the Coinbase-Crypto-Casino. Trump promises less of the former and more of the latter and it would be a mistake, as Bitcoiners, to overlook this and where his real motivations lie.
It's the most brutally simple election in USA history, solved by one and only one question: "which candidate is not Kamala?". That's the start and the end of the entire political analysis required to cast a ballot this time.
That's it. The low IQ woke commies had enough time to destroy what was possible
Exactly. I'm terribly pessimistic.
'the low iq woke commies'... really?
Be careful what you voted for. I hope the donald is as great as you think he is (i don't think he is)
imho the american people will be disappointed... and if he wins bitcoin is in for a volatile year
I am a Eurocommie, so don't worry. But if You do not see how the machine (Dem Party, neocons and military complex) are turning the US into a kind of EU I can't help You You lack experience but You seem to have a lot of energy. Watch, read and learn.
I do have energy indeed thank you
I don't know where communists fit in, but historically higher-educated people vote for Democrats.
PhDs tend to be socialists
edit: You are committing a fallacy: appeal to degrees. Higher education doesn't mean smart or knowledgeable or sensible especially in the age of diversity and affirmative action where admissions is based on race and gender and not merit
Such a liar, unbelievable. People buy this shit, unbelievable.
For what it's worth... many people believe the same - but the opposite.
"As long as it's not Trump... vote for them" Vote for anyone but Trump, just not Trump is how they feel.

In any case... be careful what you ask for... because elections like this have consequences.
There's mathematically zero risk in voting for the candidate that's not a communist, like Kamala. There's mathematically 100% guaranteed biblical human tragedy if the candidate that's a communist wins, like Kamala.
The election couldn't be easier, this black-and-white scenario leads even a mono-neuronal cell to instantaneously recognize that the right decision is to vote for Trump.
1- So... Kamala is a better option than Trump? Is that what you mean?
2- Politicians only look out for their own interests, no matter which one you talk about.
3- A true bitcoiner doesn't give a shit what a politician says about bitcoin
Every time I read the ramblings of some dumb fuck bitcoin maxi it truly makes me sad that people can be so delusional.
It took one post to remember why I stopped coming to this site.
That's a bummer. I missed you. Maybe you can just stick around for the basketball conversations.
Or stay for the good conversations. Just dont interact with the people you dont want to. Freedom of choice and all.
Why are you here then?
People on here have different views. It's actually for all people. But if you aren't open to discussion, it's probably not for you.
I 100% agree with this. I love seeing different viewpoints.
My point in the above post (that could go on and on) is to be careful what you vote for.
Trump's election could have unintended consequences for Bitcoin and for many, many people.
And quite frankly if you can't tolerate different viewpoints... well... Bitcoin is and will be, full of them as more people are exposed to Bitcoin.
go further and warn people about voting in general, being voters, subscribers to the system.
people using a thing are voting for the thing to exist; supply-demand, etc.
gotta show up to vote. gotta show up to life imo
Of course. I have been doing my best Attempting to say the right things to get someone to consider a new view is tricky. I wrote this love letter but I don't know that many people understand it.
Surely there is always unintended consequences.
Donald Trump is not a friend to Liberty...
And the most ironic part is that most of the beltway knows it.
None of the above.
You are being too emotional about this election. I can only assume you are a woman or XX.
This election is not a referendum on Trump.
This election is not Trump: yes or no?
The election is a choice: Trump vs Kamala?
Capitalism vs Socialism Freedom vs Oligarchy
Capitalism vs Socialism Freedom vs Oligarchy
One cannot be more pathetic, indeed.
I am XXX like porno style. Hardcore stuff.
now you're just showing off
Trump likes Tariffs, a less independent Fed, a larger deficit (according to his plans), and will hang the Ukrainians out to dry in their Battle with the Russians (the real despots autocrats and oligarchs.)
That doesn't sound very 'freedom' to me.
Why do you have only two candidates?
Because it's a rigged game not worth playing.
It's a shame there are basically only 2 candidates. And these 2 are, of course, wildly different.
I never met them or their friends. They might be best friends for all I know. Maybe the same money tells them what to do.
Trump is not your friend, it's true.
Neither is the other guy.
I wrote you all a love note๐Ÿ‘‡
Trump's quote on July 11, 2019
"I am not a fan of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, which are not money and whose value is highly volatile and based on air. Unregulated crypto assets can facilitate illegal behavior, including drug trading and other illegal activities"
Trump in 2024
Trump wishes bitcoin 'happy birthday' and promises to end 'war on crypto'
He is a professional politician and says what people want to hear.
I am not sure what to think at this point honestly.
However I believe Mr Trump, advertently or inadvertently may jumpstart Bitcoin's recognition as a world reserve asset - as a kind of digital gold.
You may be right, but this is more of a belief for now than objective data in reality. Let's see what happens.
well summarized.
funny thing is that trump basically rug pulls people for living. bankrupt businesses, but not before he cashes out:). A shitcoiner and scam artist to the core
I think Trump is anything but a Bitcoiner, It's possible he's deliberately trying to crash the price so his rich buddies can buy in cheaper? It's my best guess. But I don't trust him as far as I can throw him.
he's not that sophisticated. He doesn't know what Bitcoin is. He knows (or figured out) that he can sell bibles, gold-colored shoes, baseball cards, and now crypto tokens... and make hundreds of millions.
That's all he wants to know about 'crypto'
When Donald Trump sells scams and gives the greenlight to Coinbase to sell scams (which he will if elected) it makes the future worse for Bitcoin rather than better.
I don't take this claim. Bitcoin is not too weak to go down because of any Trump or any other such mean figure. Bitcoin is the king and will remain so, no matter how the election unfolds.
I believe that Donald Trump will accelerate Bitcoin adoption... as some sort of global reserve asset, global reserve property. And the exchange rate will moon big-time.
But I also believe it could be like the Tortoise vs the Hare - Red Hare and Blue Tortoise and I'm not sure the effects are 'long-term' yet.
If we get Bitcoin as an actual 'strategic reserve asset', supported by the US president (which the US already has anyway) it could have a huge impact.
Where can I go to bet all my sats on Trump?
You just have to take bitcoin maxis with a grain of salt. Many of the things they say are right.
I am a Bitcoin Maxi myself.
But I can see the forest for the trees. Donald Trump is not a friend to liberty, and voting for his is imo a Faustian Bargain. Be careful what you ask for.
Where is the meme @DarthCoin?
I have many memes :) Which one you want?
Do you want more?
The toilet and shit on the wall of course.
that's special, few really understand it :)
I see that. I didn't know I would have so much fun today. I thought Bitcoin people were past all this.
Apparently Bitcoin People are just getting warmed up ;)
Perfect. They look good there I think.
It's hilarious that people think Kamala is a socialist because she's a Democrat. Like what's she gonna do, petition Congress to please budget to fix some bridges? Not protect borders quite as much as Trump? Encourage the breakup of monopolies?
I really wanna know what conservatives are so afraid of.
What is a conservative? And what are we afraid of?
A conservative used to be for... small government, free trade, limited government, a strong military with important alliances... stuff like that.
D Trump is a trade protectionist populist with an admiration (apparently) for autocrats and 'strongmen'.
I do wish there was a viable nominee who had some sort of platform of "freedom" and equality. I feel like that should be Republicans, but they've been co-opted by religion.
That sounds likely. Is the evil man worse than the demon lady? Hard to say from where I am sitting. Why vote for a system that is here to enslave us?
Sounds like a real bitcoiner take!
I should say "Trump supporter". Trump convinced people that Harris is like some evil super genius (who is also "low IQ" "retarded") communist who will destroy America.
Come on people -- she's just a competent, normal, decent person. If President, she'll at worst be able to nominate some judges who sway slightly left. Maybe a single supreme court nomination.
When I listen to Harris... I hear someone I don't really want to be president... But I don't think she's a tyrant or megalomaniac.
She'll have advisors and traditionalists who can help her lead, hopefully from the center where she should and things will be imperfect but stable.
With Donald Trump... I hear chaos, inconsistency and someone who makes it up as he goes and is completely narcissistic.
I believe that Bitcoin thrives in Chaos and because of that some Bitcoiners support him... if he wins he will hugely pump the price but I'm not sure that's good for the United States.
Can't argue with that.
My take is that inflation is inevitable under any viable candidate's administration, and Bitcoin thrives under inflation. The Fed will yo-yo the interest rate, which will bring people to Bitcoin, and real Bitcoiners don't sell-- ergo Bitcoin thrives.
Afraid of their own shadow.
And Trump of course... compared to conservatives 10 years ago isn't really a conservative. His is not the party of Reagan or HW Bursh (1990s)
You should never trust a politician โœ…๐Ÿง 
Cannot agree more ๐Ÿ‘ 753746
None of it makes sense +1