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On a television talk show discussing a scandal that had occurred at the National Oncology Hospital in my country, one of the invited analysts made the following statement:
People diagnosed with cancer are individuals whom God has condemned to death, and eventually, these people will die.
This person, who refers to himself as an analyst, essentially claims that God condemns every person diagnosed with cancer to death.
Who in their sane mind would dare to say such a thing?
No one. Only a despicable person, a vile individual, or someone with no sense of reason—a madman—would say something like that.
However, the aforementioned commentator is not mad. So why would he make such a statement? Because he is vile, a piece of shit, a fucking idiot defending the government, which was implicated in this major scandal involving the abuse of medications intended for cancer patients.
This commentator, and others like him, are not irrational people. They may lack empathy and morality. But they are not without reason. They have a reason, but they put it at the service of political power to secure as many personal gains as possible at the expense of the suffering, the sick, and the unfortunate.
He and others do this to create a distraction so that the audience focuses not on the real issue and the facts, but on the idiotic statements they make.
These vile people should understand that before they speak like this on a television show, they should filter their thoughts. Their words reach many listeners, and among them may be people fighting cancer who, upon hearing such things, could feel demoralized and deeply hurt.
I remember my father’s battle with cancer (which I shared with you a few months ago here), and I try to imagine how he would have felt if he had heard this vile analyst on one of the main TV channels, in prime time. I can't imagine how hurt he would have felt.
Cancer patients already have a difficult journey, so making it worse with insensitive comments is just heartless, cruel, and despicable.
To show this analyst how dehumanising his statement is, let me share something a relative once told me:
In the UK, at the hospital where cancer patients are treated, including those in terminal stages, students from the Academy of Arts bring various musical instruments and play different artistic pieces for the patients before each chemotherapy session. They do this several times a month to bring positive energy to them.
This statement made me feel terrible, and I can only imagine how cancer patients who heard it must have felt. But what made me feel even worse was the lack of response from the broader public.
It’s so sad!
Post Scriptum: Cancer patients are warriors of light, inspiring us with their strength at every moment.
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  1. That is a shitty thing to say.
  2. If you believe in that sort of God, haven't we all been condemned to death one way or another? Why single out cancer patients?
I’m sorry that this needless episode opened up your scars that will never entirely heal
Yes, it was hard to hear that.
Who was that person? From a hospital with med education? From a church? A priest or similar?
No, just a non-religious public figure, who shares shitty opinions on public.
Almost certainly a scripted statement. As you said, politically calculated to distract from a scandal and turn the controversy onto the statement instead of the scandal.
But I'm curious as to the context. What are the details of the scandal?
In the public oncological hospital, there's no medicine for cancer patients because the money that was supposed to buy it has been stolen.
This person, who refers to himself as an analyst, essentially claims that God condemns every person diagnosed with cancer to death.
Patients that survived cancer: 🗿
And it's not funny. He brings black death time back, when it was considered a divine punishment or a test of belief.
Do anybody listen to him seriously?