This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I am just disappointed today. A promising bitcoin project end up to be a fuss, a politician leeching more from poor people. I truly had hope in that initiative but seeing how end up, is just disgusting.
This is cool. I just switched to block-time instead of generating fresh content every minute. See
By the way, my node is running for 128 days without reboot. Let's celebrate in the kitchen!
This made me think of another idea - @k00b, on top we have moscow time. Should we also just have a block height there as option? :)
That’d be cool
I just heard about how fiat Money was invented by the Khans.
All citizens and foreign merchants had to accept it. Falsifying the notes was considered a capital offense, punishable by death.
Marco Polo found out when he traveled to Asian and told everyone in Europe about this and now we have Fiat money.
Fuck Marco Polo