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Do you really know the history? Do you know who wrote the history? Do you really know the facts of that day of 5th Nov 1605 ? Do you know what is a false flag?
Don't you see the strange coincidence of 5th Nov being the election day in US and the biggest false flag in history, the gunpowder plot of 1605 ? The fuckers love these dates, to play with your mind.
Did you know that in fact the "gunpoder plot" was a predecesor of the 1666 London fire plot, that end up with enacting the C'est Que Vie act 1666, declaring you all dead living and became "legal entities" ?
Please read this article and reflect about it. YOU ARE BEING LIED EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR CENTURIES.
btw... using the Guy Fawkes mask by some bitcoiners is kind of lame, you guys are practically making their game, you have been played. IT'S ALL A LIE
The fuckers love these dates, to play with your mind.
They didn’t choose the date November 5 for this year’s election. The election is always held on a Tuesday.
First Tuesday after the first Monday in November
Since 1789
Nov 2 to 8
Constitution is transparent with zero encryption
There are so many lies of omission and outright lies we are taught in both government schools and popular culture. Its pretty wild. Not really well versed in Guy Fawkes though.
Each of these historical facts highlights how states or governments seek to continue limiting, destroying and wanting to control each of our movements through the fallacy of Fiat money, thus seeking to stop us from being free and autonomous.