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The Russian Ministry of Digital Development has sprung into action with plans to create its own Linux community. Admitting that the decision was precipitated by the recent expelling of 11 Russian developers involved in the development of the Linux kernel, the Ministry slammed the “act of discrimination” against Russians and underlined the need to “build our own alternative structure,” in a statement given to RBC.
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Why wouldn’t they do this? They have been ostracized from everything the NATO people could ostracize them from. They can go their own way as effectively as Linus Torvalds can. Is Linus another minion? It looks like it. We should start being aware of possible backdoors in Linux kernels, now.
He's probably paid well for destroying what FOSS truly is 😢
You never know. I suspect he may have come under tremendous pressure from his NATO government to drum the Russians out. Since, it was open source, everybody could check everybody else’s work for backdoors and other “unnecessary” hooks, to make sure the kernel was safe to use. Now, I just don’t know. I am suspicious.
This move is everything but "free and open source" and unfortunately we're once again witnessing false promises and backstage governance 😢
I don’t know for sure, but could we be witnessing something else? Something like a government take over of a previously free and open source project? From past performance, Linus Torvolds was and has been a pretty straight shooter! What would be the motivation and incitement for him to break his word?