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I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like when you have kids, time just whizzes by in the blink of an eye.
I'll often look at my ten year old and think, how is she ten already, it was 5 minutes ago she was a baby.
maybe just that kids keep us so busy it makes time fly faster , although quite often if someone talks about an older film, like the matrix or something, my initial reaction is always surprise when i think, oh wait, that was literally like 24 years ago.
will need to check with the child-free people, but maybe the passage of time just increases as you get older, period
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There is a phrase that says: "When you have children the days are long, but the years are short", it really is very true, I remember when my daughter was a newborn baby, the days seemed eternal, she cried, breastfed, cried, breastfed and so on, days and nights passed, until suddenly she was 3 years old, then 5 and now 7 years old, I don't know when it all happened, these days I happened to be looking at her photos and videos from a couple of years ago and my husband and I can't believe how much she has changed, she doesn't speak the same anymore, her face is a little different, it's as if our daughter changes every year. I perfectly understand what you feel, it's scary and exciting at the same time.
I think time just whizzes by faster and faster as we grow older, with or without kids. I generated a discussion here
You can have the peace of mind that it doesn't only happen to you.. 😅 I also feel that time with my 2 children passes very quickly... And even more so the most complete example is with my other daughter who is in Venezuela, she is already 16!!! For me it is surprising because just recently I took her to McDonalds to eat "French fries with tomato sauce or Ketchup" she loved them!! We just have to have a very complete focus of not letting our occupations suffocate us and not dedicate time to them!! Many people use their time working to buy the most expensive toys for their children!! Toys that they will not remember when they are older🤦.. instead they will remember that warm kiss that you can give them at night before sleeping 💤...
this is 100% true, kids grow up and remember the memories and time spent and then before we know it, we're grandparents!
Exactly..🙃.. I'm not even 35 yet.. but I go out running to stay fit and be a Sports Grandfather😅
this is a bit like Peter Attia's concept of a Centenarian Decathlon lol
Yes 😅 I have to start practicing with the bow and arrow 💪.. and without a doubt reaching a certain age and getting out of the pool without a ladder is going to be quite a challenge👍
There are those who say that "time flies by when you are busy" , on the other hand there are those who say that "this statement is true, only if you are doing something you like because you stay focused"
Having children is a task that obviously keeps us busy, and although in most cases it is an occupation that one does not like to do, it is also true that there are those who have them because they have had no other alternative. Then you notice the difference in the expression
Those who love their children "time flies by, how he has grown, soon he will leave home and I will miss him"
Those who do not love their children " I can't wait for time to pass and for you to grow up to see if you get lost out there! How long until you turn 18 and disappear?"
So when you ask those who do not have children, for them, if they are doing things they like, "time will have flown by" too, otherwise life would have seemed like an eternity.
So if for you, your 10-year-old daughter still sees her as a baby and you think that time has flown by, I'll just say something
Don't stop doing it.
PS: I have children and a grandson. And to think that a while ago I was playing football with them!!
ha, yes i do, i asked my mum and she said she still can't believe I'm almost 40 so i suppose it's a natural progression :)
We are stories, contained within the twenty complicated centimeters behind our eyes, lines drawn by traces left by the (re)mingling together of things in the world, and oriented toward the direction of increasing entropy, in a rather particular corner of this inmense, chaotic universe. — Carlo Rovelli, The Order of Time
Time is the same but we anchor to our own memories so it seems like things are going faster because our memories seem just as fresh but are a long time ago