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Overpopulation, nuclear threat, climate change, environment, food insecurities, inflation etc, are they all valid reasons for not having kids?
I was watching this video, wondering if today's world, despite all its challenges, is worse than, say 100 years ago, when people had more kids?
I am convinced that we're by far better off. More physical comfort, better food, healthier, safer (thanks to nuclear bombs!) and In my mind, raising pets instead of kids proves my point.
I have subscribed to this doctor's yt channel, and enjoy listening his reflections, but despite all my admiration, I believe that choosing to enjoy the work of other people's kids, while not having some of your own is selfish towards society.
TLDW: you can easily watch the video at 3x speed
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I don't think that all people who decide not to have kids are selfish, but this does indeed seem like a selfish perspective.
But the bottom line for me is, I don't think people who think like this should be having kids, haha
lol, nice one!
What a silly goose.
Look, if you base your judgment on incorrect descriptions of the world, you're going to make poor choices.
Shitty map means shitty outcomes
Also, Brian Caplan has shaped a lot of my views on the topic https://www.amazon.com/Selfish-Reasons-Have-More-Kids/dp/0465028616
I have the book, but haven't opened yet. Was thinking about it while watching the video.
There's no overpopulation or climate disincentive unique to this era, though people that believe there is are right to drop-out of the gene pool.
There are certainly economic and cultural factors of great concern, but the only question you have to answer then on the subject is are you the resistance or a nihilistic loser?
The world is mostly empty of humans. No overpopulation in 80% of the globe
I haven't watched this video because all of this propaganda was pushed since the early 20th Century. Planned Parenthood was originally and still is a eugenics program. Pay attention to this, the same people who want to help you with you medical health also want you know about over population. That's a big tell.
Swami Prabhupada's take on this is very clear:
...God is father, supreme father of everyone. If we simply study this verse from the Bhagavad-gītā, that the mother nature is the mother of all living entities and God is the supreme father of everyone… We can study these two lines very carefully. On the earth we can see so many living entities are coming out, beginning from the grass, then so many insects, reptiles, big trees, then animals, birds, beasts, then human beings. They are all coming from the earth, and they are living at the expense of earth. The earth is supplying food to everyone. As the mother gives life or maintains the child by the milk of her breast, similarly, the earth mother is maintaining all different types of living entities. There are 8,400,000 different forms of life, and the earth, mother earth is supplying food. There are thousands of elephants in the African jungle, they are also being supplied with food. And within your room in a hole there are thousands of ants, they are also being supplied food by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So the philosophy is that we should not be disturbed by the so-called theory of over-population. If God can feed elephants, why he cannot feed you? You do not eat like the elephant. So this theory, that there is a shortage of food or overpopulation, we do not accept it. God is so powerful that He can feed everyone without any difficulty. Simply we are mismanaging. Otherwise there is no difficulty.
In another example Prabhupada was questioned on overpopulation and clearly he states that there is no question about this because we are always fighting and we want to live like cats and dogs. Here he is interviewed:
Morning Walk — May 11, 1975, Perth
Amogha: They used to think that because there is overpopulation we will go to another planet and then begin living there.
Prabhupāda: No question of overpopulation. There are so many land. You do not know how to live. There is no question of overpopulation. You want to live like cats and dogs. Therefore you fight; there is scarcity. If you live properly, there is no question of scarcity. [break] Otherwise it is perfect. Everything is perfect. There is no question of inconvenience. You live according to the direction of Bhagavad-gītā; there is no question of scarcity, inconvenience, overpopulation. Everything is made.
Amogha: People just take it for granted that...
Prabhupāda: Huh?
Amogha: Due to the propaganda, people take it for granted, "Yes, there is overpopulation. Yes, there is lack of food. There is starvation, this and that."
Prabhupāda: Because they cannot manage, so they give some other cause.
Amogha: Yeah. They blame it on nature.
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Amogha: But they don't know that nature's arrangement is perfect.
Paramahaṁsa: They spend billions of dollars to try to go in space, but they don't spend that money for food.
The idea of overpopulation is an atheist and materialist term. The undesirable people are to be encouraged to live wastefully, indulge, fight, have random sex, masturbate, marry the same sex, change gender (sterilize), raise pets (pet parent!), control birth, abortion, drink, eat animals, don't eat animal products (contradiction? No.) and take poison in moderation... Why? Because scarcity is manufactured by Fiat. It is declared by those who supply the market with things. This may even go back to the Phoenicians who were brilliant traders and navigators who also spread stories about the ends of the Earth so that competition didn't take their parts of the market!