I guarentee you he will. I’m making a video tomorrow on my YouTube channel to talk about this site and will spam him the link and the name until he gets it. Aside from that I can promise you he has something up his sleeve that will change lighting forever hence the departure from Twitter. Get ready. Here’s a link to my channel. I will be doing giveaways for subs. New York mayor says we will be crypto hub of the world! Also says buy the dip. Love this guy! https://youtu.be/Qv8uEzOZLn4
You keep posting this same message under a bunch of posts here. Don't do that, that's not helping you get more users, it has the opposite effect.
I made a YouTube channel showing the site off. Sorry for multiple posts. Won’t happen again. Ep.1.Why I made this channel and what bitcoin means to me.Also live lightning transactions. #bitcoin https://youtu.be/P7yjW1sVMmM