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A friend of mine is an economist. She has a very traditional fiat money mentality, and I was surprised when she asked me how and where she could buy Bitcoin.
She had heard from a colleague that she could invest in Bitcoin and was interested in making a good profit from her investment.
Do you think there is any way I can make her see Bitcoin differently?
Do I have any chance to convince her?
What would you do if you were in my position?
Once she buys some you can relay bits of education and be there to answer any questions she might have.
She is already curious if she is asking about bitcoin as an investment so absolutely you can get her to see bitcoin differently.
Don’t overwhelm her with info. Get her to download a wallet and send her some sats and then show her how to buy some on her own.
That’s what I was also thinking.
Getting her off zero is most important in my opinion. Once she has skin in the game, she will learn or go back to her fiat world.
I think that’s right.
I always just recommend that people read "Broken money"
You can lead a horse to water....