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Yes, I believe k00b said we will have the option to have some cowboy credits on SN and also have sats going to attached wallet and we will be able to exchange sats for CCs but I don't think you can exchange CCs for sats. I believe Darth proposed a market for that.
I thought the sats automatically turned to CCs here on sn? And anything you use sats on can be replaced with CCs. I dont know if 1=1, though. @k00b?
40 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 31 Oct
yes, we'll accept 1 CC like it's 1 sat.
The only way CCs are sent to other stackers are with zaps (which have a 30% sybil fee), so I'd guess, hypothetically, that if anyone sells them in a secondary way it'll be 2-for-1.
Im not sure. I dont think so.