I spent WAY too much time on this already. I wanted to get it out on Halloween but I still can't get the preview to work. Also, to get it up on nostr.build instead of youtube, I had to seriously degrade the quality.
I know, excuses, excuses. You don't care about no excuses. Anyway, I STILL think it's worth your time to give a click and maybe share with some nocoiner friends.
Great video with Eric. Here is another one, quite old from 2014, with Stefan Molyneux. Bitcoin vs War, how Bitcoin can stop wars
Very nice mix !
I was hoping you’d check it out. I know you’re a metal head. Also heard that you also might not really dig the federal government…
I was going back and forth between this and War Pigs for when the seal hits the floor. The church bells were just too ominous.
no no, the bells are perfect, perfect timing, also the song! Well done!