Not all VC's are created equal.
Cynical take: I suspect like with all this stuff, the VC's got part of the pre-mine and for the last few years this has been like owning a part of a casino - they benefit from everyone else losing their money. Plus their investments are liquid from the moment the bubble begins inflating.
Generous take: They don't understand bitcoin or buy into the FUD and think the Money Messiah is "the first carbon negative cryptocurrency" and "an avid supporter of the arts."
They don't understand bitcoin or buy into the FUD
Moxie said on twitter that he is willing to implement a Lightning solution in Signal if it meets all of his UX requirements. He chose MobileCoin first because it met all the requirements he needed.
I found Moxie's responses and complaints about Lightning quite reasonable. His main thing is that no identifiable data can reach Signal servers. That's the whole value proposition of Signal. Lightning doesn't provide that (yet?).