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I was inspired by this artist because he could draw with two hands. Drawing with both hands was challenging, so he must have practised diligently. I was motivated to improve my drawing skills.
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He's a legend. I remember i tried writing with both hands but I couldn't.
Ya I wonder how long it took for him to hone his craft
Just keep on practicing. If you enjoy what you do, you can go a long way in a decade.
I used to try brushing my teeth with my left hand. It just feels wrong. Over time I'm sure it starts to feel more comfortable
I think you must start from a young age. I was born a left-hander but my father trained me to use my right hand. So I use chopsticks with my left but write with my right
I'm sure starting young helps but I think it is something that can be learned at any age.
You remind me of something I read this year: perfect pitch can be developed easily for children. It is possible for adults too - just that they need to pump in more effort
Oh... Well its funny you mention perfect pitch. As I understand that's something you need to learn before 5-6 years old or you will never have it. However relative pitch can be learned at any age.