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That face.
Sitting across from me in the living room in the rocking chair.
“What are we going to do?” He asks.
“What do you mean @k00b?” I raise my voice over the cries of our newborn who looks like Toad.
“What are we going to do to make Stacker News be immortal?”
“Shhhhh. Jesus @k00b. I’m just trying to quiet the baby here. It’s 2am and he’s hungry again. Are you getting your rest? We have to feed him every three hours!”
“Feed the beast, @realBitcoinDog. How do we keep these territory founders fed and happy? How do we turn their territories into fusion reactors achieving net-energy??”
Goddammit @k00b! I’m tired and want to go to bed. Just give them what they want. JUST TURN UP THE REWARDS!!
FWIW I’ve got a canned “immortal communities” post I’m saving to publish until 9am EST, so four more hours, but goddamn if it didn’t haunt my dreams tonight! This was just a dream, right?
I know you're probably tongue in cheek. But i don't think turning up the rewards towards the territory owners once more would be justifiable. I want to have something that is long term sustainable. For that, one needs more users. And users probably can stomach a 30% cut on their zaps, but it would start to feel like rent seeking if at every 10 sat zap i receive as a user, 5 sats are taken by the overlords ;)
Maybe i completely missed your point ;)
Ha I was just having fun. But sometimes there is truth in delusions
As someone receiving the zaps I definitely feel it when my attached wallet shows only 7 or 70 sats received!
I agree 30% is probably the highest to go.
SN is like Bitcoin all about balanced incentives!
As a territory owner, I am delighted by the new 30%. I finally felt like it would be possible, at some point in the future, not to run it at a loss anymore. But yeah, as I said, more is too much.
Which territory is yours?
You can just click on a user name to check one's territories. Mine is ~science.
Looks popular! I still haven’t been 😅
But I will soon 🫡
You don't have a territory. Do you? If not get one and then ask a raise. It's already 30%. If that raises more, what's bad in trying?
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Wayne Gretzky” - Michael Scott
@k00b is usually shows up at my place around 3 am... Dude is busy.
Pics or it didn’t happen!!
Uhhhhhh. Let me check my photos and I'll get back to you.
Ha! I’m waiting! 🤣
Where are the kids? Is this parent corner?
Ha I guess it’s the realities of having kids that leads to visions or dreams like this in sleep deprivation!
Very true. There are many late night hours with little kids. Just another way they can inspire.
Yup! Inspire to post on SN 😅
I know you love it here so it doesn't take much. I love it too. so Untapped
I’m impressed you can marshall your thoughts so lucidly at 2am with a crying baby in tow
Stacker News is one hell of a drug
Let the kids eat!
I got mouths to feed!