This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Sometimes I want to grab a small part of a previous post(say, a list) and I don't get access to the markup code so I have to do it again from scratch.
It would be great to have a "see source code" or something like that in older posts, which wouldn't allow you to edit, but allows you to see the input you wrote.
#74936/edit … you can do this on any item (even ones you don’t own)
That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks!.
And I don't think it's needed to have a UI element for this, since the use case is tiny.
There is also a "rich text to markdown" converter, so you can copy and paste to get the markdown. Works with browser content from any site:
You can now sign up for DALL-E with 50 free credits. This shit is getting really scary good. Maybe can use to make some SN memes
the endpoint is pretty slow :'(
That explains it!
If you're not running a pihole on your home network, what's wrong with you??
No need to. There are many other ways to clean the shit.
Muh hosts file
no, you can use:
  • specific dns providers that already have clean the shit
  • specific firewall servers/apps/hardware that not only clean the shit but also keep safe your network and do other stuff
  • specific browsers that already clean the shit.
  • stop browsing shit pages.
Pihole can mess up badly your network if is not configured correctly and/or user don't know shit about networking. Pihole is not the panacea of cleaning shit of what you are doing.
Sure you could use someone else's DNS, but then you'd have to trust them.
I set up my pihole 3 years ago and have barely had to interact with it since. The most I have to do is update it when I feel like. It's made a major difference in my internet experience.
I still use an adblock on my phone/browsers for when I'm not on my home network.
I slept in today! until about 7:30am. What an interest situation. Hurricane provides an excuse not to go to work today, though I wouldn't mind the money. In a little bit I'll go to my building gym and do some cleaning. The barbell I donated to the gym is covered in oxydation, so I'll take a write brush to it and see how much cleaner I can get it without resorting to any chemicals. In other news, did I mention hurricane? Hah. I fear no such thing. But I hope my power doesn't go out.
Stay safe
not much happened today where I live. and the day off from work totally put my schedule for a loop so now I'm awake in the middle of the night.
CBDCs are like alts really, each country creating their own private blockchain. And then, just like with alts, they are also creating a bridge that will allow converting one alt into another.
Bitcoin really is the answer.
Using blockchains for CBDCs is really inefficient, they should prob use SQL databases.
LN capacity continues to rise Soon we will see higher highs Don't believe the shitcoin guise Bitcoin is the true prize
Been eyeing up the liquidity of the robosats GBP market. Potentially a reasonable arbitrage there. Has anyone evaluated buyer demand for that market?
Hello SN!
I'm on a train, developing new features for my fun project at 🙂 Today I'm focusing on the sticker feature for the card generator. Later on I'll be probably doing some refactoring as the file that holds the generator code has grown a bit too large 😅
I have to say I really like the idea behind Peach, amazing way to stack sats p2p.
I can only wish there was more liquidity.
The issue with these bitcoin p2p exchanges are that it's users are usually hardcore bitcoiners already and don't want to sell their sats without a premium.
What is Peach?
I kind of want to label this spam because instead of answering my question you give me the url for their website. Your original comment assumes people know about Peach. If you explained it here, or better would have been to begin with, then I wouldn't have to ask. Obviously I can google it if I really wanted to know what Peach is.
Pardon my snark, I haven't had any coffee yet.
P2P is definitely a niche market. Where there are no centralized exchanges (e.g., countries where bitcoin is banned or centralized exchanges cannot use the national banking network) P2P volume shows impressive volumes, but where P2P is competing with centralized exchanges, there are just too few who value KYC-Free bitcoin.
It will be interesting though ... as some exchanges start trying to comply with travel rule requirements, and other various frictions added, P2P volumes could pick up, and dramatically.
That makes sense.
Friction and KYC will definitely increase in the future.
P2p is not necessarily non-KYC if you pay using a KYC method such as a bank account. But it makes it a "distributed" KYC in which every peer can potentially know who they traded with but there is no central power that easily knows everything.
Please keep in mind that Peach isn't Open Source, is centralised, hasn't Tor support.
Bisq and robosats already fill that use case.
The value proposition of peach to me is the safety of a centralized trusted escrow and the potential higher liquidity while remaining p2p.
Thats true but for me is Peach not an option because not anon.
Anon enough to escape the Tax Man.
I could add that those that are selling their BTC for fiat ate NOT hardcore bitcoiners, but m,ore opportunists that want to stay in the fiat world.
I understand your frustration that is hard to obtain some sats. Coming late to Bitcoin always have a price and this price will be more and more higher.
Bitcoin have ONLY one price: the price that get in and you never go back to fiat.
Start earning sats not buying them. Is the best way to get it:
  • Demand to be paid in BTC (no matter youj are a freelancer or employed)
  • sell stuff for BTC, build a website and sell product and services
  • do tasks for BTC, write code for BTC
  • you can use to receive your wage straight into your BTC wallet (can be for freelance work or employed)
  • find a bitcoiner friend that need to pay his regular bills with fiat. Pay for him the bills and he can gave you sats in exhange.
No one came late to bitcoin, some simply came earlier than others.
Directly earning sats is definitely and end goal in the long term.
Unfortunately, right now I have a child, bills to pay and other responsibilities that force me to keep working on the fiat mines.