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Downzap me all you want, but it brings me joy to celebrate Uptober! 😈
@Undisciplined said I should focus on my JOY! haha
Some people don't like fun
This is not fun or joy. Is a false pretense creating FOMO. Is same as bad as FUD. Only shitcoiners and fiat maxis are doing this. Cheering up for an uptick of price is just showing how your fiat maxi inside your brain is cheering.
But we’re never taking profits because we’re NEVER SELLING!
That doesn't sound like a shitcoiner or a fiat maxi. It sounds like something I was just reading in your guides earlier today.
Did you see me cheering up for an uptick price? That should make you think, why.
I know you don't care about price (fiat exchange rate)
Some of us are excited to see the dollar fall, though, and this is just a silly way of celebrating that, while also rubbing reality into the faces of bitcoin skeptics.
NGU makes hyperbitcoinization go up.
Price is a real world signal that helps the normie's question their beliefs about Bitcoin. I know. It was the 2021 bull run that made me finally ask myself, "Was I wrong about Bitcoin? I'm never wrong about anything!"
Until people will not remove that fiat mentality we will not have any real adoption. We are just fucking around, pretending to do something that in fact is meaningless.
Anyone that still have that fiat mentality, will jump into CBDCs in a blink of an eye, without pushing any resistance. Why? Because are weak.
And this meme is a reminder:
All those theory articles from mises.org if are not put in practice are totally worthless.