An archive of the article is here. An archive has no paywall, no subscription requirement, and can be easier to read.
How do you set these archives up? Are they already there before you link them or you are accessing the paywalled version and copying it? Out of curiosity for future articles that I cannot access due to a paywall...
You can add websites to the archive
Saved pages will have no active elements and no scripts, so they keep you safe as they cannot have any popups or malware!
Since the pages don't have scripts, usually you'll be able to read the text independent of any paywall.
There is also to get around a paywall, but for some sites like NY Times, that won't work.
I mentioned this article in the chat for the Simply Bitcoin livestream (live now) and Opti said that he'd touch on it in his Culture segment.
But zoom out further, and the picture looks more frightening for crypto bulls. Bitcoin has lost more than half its value in 2022, far underperforming stocks, bonds and most currencies.
But don't zoom out too far, else you will see bitcoin outperformed every other asset in the last 3 years.
The New York Times just wrote something mildly positive about bitcoin?! Hell must have frozen over!
compared to what? Compared to goods and services everything collapsed - just maybe at different times in the last 6 months. 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
Bitcoin has the most trustworthy central banker.