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Up to now, research evaluating the overall impacts of sociality on performance has focused on single species or groups, such as birds or some mammals. The new study assessed 152 animal species from a wide variety of taxonomic groups, including birds, mammals, insects, and corals.
The results of the study showed that more social species live longer, postpone maturity, and are more likely to reproduce successfully than more solitary species. While social species may not be the best to adapt and benefit from a rapidly changing environment, they are often more resilient as a group. This novel finding supports the hypothesis that, even though sociality comes with some obvious costs, the overall benefits are greater.
But, humans are going the other way round. Aren't they? Is it the reason for decreasing reproduction for homo sapiens?
I still maintain that is a good thing.
Yes, the idea of social costs of supporting an aged population for a generation or two is a negative.
However the savings, resource efficiency & release, quality opportunity for youth, climate impact minimization, less need for massive infrastructure expansion, less poor among working age people should offset.
But, humans are going the other way round. Aren't they? Is it the reason for decreasing reproduction for homo sapiens?
Can you elaborate? I'm not sure what you mean here. Humans live shorter when they become less social?
No, I mean it for decreasing reproduction in countries where people are less social.
Ok got it.
I guess the delayed age for reproduction affects the number of offspring, but not necessarily their ability to live longer. Quantity gets affected, but not quality. Of course, there is a higher chance of birth defects, but in Korea, where this delayed age for pregnancy is very much the case, these defects get detected very early into the pregnancy, and people take precautions (possibly abortion) to aim for a healthier individual with the next try.
This is why I love SN. If you don't a clear viewpoint on anything, just ask and you'll have clarity. I completely agree with you.
Their socialization is based on truth, honesty and relating to the natural, real world.
Bipeds of today have in most cases experienced nothing of the above...
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