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Strawberry Jam - HomemadeπŸ“ πŸ“
I recently did this activity with my daughter. If your child likes to prepare things in the kitchen, believe me when I tell you that he's going to love this option.
Another perspective for doing this is quality, we will never find the same quality in the product that comes from a company that manufactures it in industrial quantities. This way we really make sure to give our children the best, and it's not the one with the best label or the one that has the label for many years, but those that we prepare with love and making sure we use the best ingredients ourselves.
And this is the best part, the ingredients for this preparation are quite simple, and the preparation is the same.
  • 1 kg. Strawberries
  • 2 lemons
  • 400 gr. sugar
  • Cut the strawberries and place in a bowl
  • Add the juice of the two lemons
  • Add the sugar and stir all the ingredients
  • Let it rest in the refrigerator for at least an hour
  • After resting, place in a high frying pan over medium heat
  • Place a plate in the freezer to check at the end of the preparation
  • Stir constantly for 20 or 25 minutes
  • After 20 or 25 minutes the foam disappears, the boiling bubbles are heavy and the color has turned a deep dark red
  • Pour a little on the cold plate and notice how it stays still when tilted to the side.
  • Pour into glass or plastic containers and wait for it to cool before eating.
And in the end, the best of all is your child's smile when he tastes what you have prepared together. Believe me, he will never taste a better one than the one made at home, with family and with love.
Thank you for reading, if you dare to prepare it and have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. ✌️🀠
Thank you for sharing such a delicious recipe. Do you cook it on special occasions or when your daughter asks for it?
It is an activity that we do sometimes, like making cakes, ice creams, pastries and in this case jam... on the internet you can find millions of simple recipes that you can make at home.
My grandmother used to make homemade strawberry jam from her own garden. Strawberry is still my favorite flavor today.
How nice to know that, thanks for sharing, my grandmother also used to prepare this type of sweets, jams, yogurt, cookies or cakes! I can still spend my afternoons after school watching TV, or playing some game while I sat down to enjoy her exquisite preparations.