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As Brazilians, we have a lot of repercussions in the country regarding Bricks, for two reasons:
  • The first is that Brazil will have access to advanced technologies and knowledge in areas such as telecommunications, biotechnology, energy, among others... the second reason is that the president of the Bricks bank is the former president of Brazil Dilma Roussef ( interestingly, one of his advisors is a communist academic called Elias Jabbour.) President Lula was adamant in one of his conferences some time ago about no longer using the dollar. The number of countries that joined Bricks increased dramatically, transforming it into a solid political bloc. I see that it is only a matter of time for the world as we know it to change completely.
Interesting - is it seen as a vehicle of Chinese power? If so is China seen as a more favourable power than the US?
Brazilians do not have an imperialist view of China so far. It's different with the USA, because the American government, whether Democrat or Republican, has already interfered a lot in Brazilian politics, apart from some protectionist actions.
That makes sense. The US seems to have established its imperialism/resource hegemony in Latin America first before taking over global hegemony from Britain. The Chinese might be expected to apply a different model to what western imperialism has.