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Teenagers with an IQ of 130 are 3 to 5 times less likely to have sex compared to those with an average IQ.
Boys with an IQ classified as a mental disability (60) are actually more likely to have sex than those with an IQ of 130.
Lol reminds me of idiocracy intro, but yeah smart people overthink it, the rest of us just pucker up and suck face, and not worry about that cold sore if it comes or not
It's not cold sores. It's self-consciousness. It's a skill to turn off the narrator when you need to be an animal.
I mean, is this still statistically relevant 24 years later?....
Good question, I wonder how much the odds curves change for different age groups.
That's a good question too. Probably the change relies more in those age curves
I don’t think this is by choice.
I don’t think so either, a kind of natural selection.
Seems like I found an answer to my loneliness
Well, there is still a chance though. It’s just that you have to work a bit harder.
it sucks a lot being 130-150...
Interesting. Does their intelligence make them come across as nerdy to the opposite gender? Or are they buried in academic pursuits and aren’t attracted by the idea of sex?
I think both options are valid.
Yeah, I think I would agree with that.
I think they just have interesting things to do.
In my teenage years, you could say then that most of them had low IQ, including me of course... Ehem, in the country where I grew up (Venezuela) for many years there has been a high rate of teenage pregnancy in rural, marginal or lower and lower middle class areas, now I consider that it is not because sex is bad for teenagers who are beginning to wake up and experience their sexuality, I consider that all these problems are caused by parents, here in these countries it is still taboo to talk about sex with your parents, and said parents (Most obviously there will surely be some exceptions) do not talk to their children about sex.
Normie parents assume that school 🏫 will do the job for them as with everything else, but guess what? in schools the education is terrible and the topics of sex are also stigmatized, and being considered taboo by both parents and working class teachers, adequate sexual education is not provided which results in lack of control.
And what you don't learn at home, you almost always learn on the street, and it's almost never about the good topics that help you grow, but the bad things!
Higher IQ=no family for you. People like like used to be called monks in the past.
It’s called delayed gratification like Bitcoin. As they get older look out. I mean look at Elon with all his kids