Thanks for the feedback, I think there is allot of potential with fedimint, but there is a missed opportunity cryptographically. The minting process should yield standard sizes, stored in the wallet only, and the token should be exchangeable offline many times. The tokens should have connection to lightning sats where the sats are secured inside the token and the mints are kept honest with enforcement from the lightning network or the Fedi network. The tokens should also be transferable between wallets on different mints offline, and the federation is in charge of transfer and preventing double spends/redemptions. Such a scheme might require a wallet holder to keep an amount on deposit in excess of their unredeemed token balance.
When I first heard of fedimint, i assumed it was a system of creating private offline cash, but the way its executed it looks like nothing much different than a different lndhub custodial wallet protocol, but some aspect of the custody is managed with multisig.