As you can read about here on stackernews and elsewhere, Amazon and I have had some disagreements about some fundamental things like my continued existence on the face of the planet.
I think there was some kind of cessation in hostility. I got notice of a pending royalty payment from Amazon via email, and this made me think that probably they were suggesting that I existed and had an account on Amazon. I logged in, and lo and behold, there was an ability present to pick between assorted cards used for payment! This was what I asked for to start with instead of my seven to eight year old card security code. I was then able to log in by picking a recent card that would have been solved if my suggestion had been taken at the very beginning.
I'm thinking we must have moved on to the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" portion of my existence as an author with an Amazon account. To be sure, it is somewhat better but there still isn't that whole, "We are sorry for being a huge corporate bag of dicks to you and yes, you do exist." I don't really need the apology, you understand, but on the other hand it is usually nice when you screw up and it affects others to at the very least say, "Gee golly, I'm sorry." This is especially true when you are a mutil-billion dollar conglomerate which may or may not want to turn humanity into a bunch of death robots under the auspices of the dragon masters of Zarcon 4. The same thing is true if you were to say, I dunno, mandate a kind of vaccine for something like the flu that happens to not really work and screws around with the RNA in some way that maybe it shouldn't. I mean, "I'm sorry" is a small step on that path of mistake rectification.
Anyway, I need to update the website now, but I'm not really sure what to say on it. I'm open to suggestions. What terminology would you use to describe this? Is it a victory? Did some robot somewhere upload my words to their data files and make changes? Is it a fluke? What the hell do you call this Brave New World we all inhabit?