A super interesting move made by Bezos and I have to say it is a pretty smart one given how divided everything is and how picking one or the other isn't going to actually do anything.
Per the article
The newspaper also on Friday ran an article by two staff reporters saying that editorial page staffers had drafted an endorsement of Kamala Harris over Donald Trump in the election.
“The decision not to publish was made by The Post’s owner — Amazon founder Jeff Bezos,” The Post reported, citing two sources briefed on the events.
Post chief executive Will Lewis, in an online explanation of the decision, wrote, “The Washington Post will not be making an endorsement of a presidential candidate in this election. Nor in any future presidential election.”
“We are returning to our roots of not endorsing presidential candidates,” Lewis wrote.
Considering when The Los Angeles Times's power Patrick Soon-Shiong also blocked or at least "refused" to run a presidential endorsement the entire editorial board resigned in protest. We will see if this possibly become a wider spread thing. It would be a nice change as maybe legacy media could focus on idk... NEWS instead of clickbait BS.
I also get a kick out of people quitting their jobs when given the economy and state of things is that really a good idea?!?! Newspapers are dying and so you quit yours in protest?! LMAO I find it very very very funny!
Washington Post has never been objective. Why start now? Something is missing
I have a theory: the owner is hoping staff will quit
Best way to get rid of all the activists screwing things up in your company, honestly.
Good riddance to bad rubbish!! Maybe he wants to get out of the red, after all he is a businessman, isn’t he? Or, is he something else?
Bezos didn't purchase a newspaper to make money. But he doesn't want WaPo to interfere with his other investments and he wants the newspaper to break even.
Isn’t that business decision-maiking? He is counting all of his investments in a unified vision. WaPo is a small part that will definitely affect the other parts. Consequently, he makes the decision and, perhaps, even looks forward to thinning out his staff.
My point is that his reason for buying WaPo was political/pop cultural.
He wasn't motivated by money or profits.
He doesn't view WaPo as a financial investment rather it is a vehicle for influencing news and political discourse.
Why does anyone own newspapers today? Newspaper is not a growth industry or cash cow.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Bee_Aye 18h
strong theory
70 sats \ 3 replies \ @grayruby 21h
I agree with this move. Companies should stay out of politics.
40 sats \ 2 replies \ @Cje95 OP 18h
Yeah I want to know the news I don't want to be told how to think.
Maybe they saw Kamala give interviews and realized we can't have 8 straight years of brain dead presidents.
Its wild that she is only 60 and like this. I cant imagine her later in life....
21 sats \ 5 replies \ @TomK 23h
What happened to weak woke Jeff?
47 sats \ 4 replies \ @Cje95 OP 18h
I feel he realizes hey this economy is not super healthy and this lady isn't offering us anything!
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @TomK 12h
All fine. But isn't it crazy and sad that there is no real libertarian counter movement, a 3rd way? I mean I like how Don attacks this bunch of degenerates but in the and he's another fiat king I guess
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 OP 11h
Yeah I don’t like to commend Europe to much but the number of parties they have and how it all works is much better I feel
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @TomK 10h
Trump is a Putin puppet and Putin is in Xis pocket. Good luck and Good night America!
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Nuttall 21h
I also get a kick out of people quitting their jobs when given the economy and state of things is that really a good idea?!?! Newspapers are dying and so you quit yours in protest?! LMAO I find it very very very funny!
As if these papers and reporters had integrity. I think the real issue is that they, the news paper staff, felt like the played the game and now the game is ending and so they feel cheated because they no longer had any integrity. And under further analysis the players may even have deliberately manipulated stories because they believed it was for a higher and greater good. Sincerely corrupt and now empty vessels of humanity.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Cje95 OP 18h
Agreed! It is this kind of stuff that led to the downfall in the first place.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @jgbtc 21h
"the entire editorial board resigned in protest"
Music to my ears. Hopefully we see a lot more of this sort of thing.
He’s too rich for her endorsement