Chin up, friend.
It helps to learn how to talk about bitcoin in a way that the so-called normies will actually listen.
My favorite opener is:
"Bitcoin is a decentralized ledger that no one controls, anyone can write on, and yet somehow everyone trusts. And it's been operating for 16 years without any single entity in control of it."
Usually the next question is one of:
  • "So what? Why do we need that?" Which lets you dive into the monetary economics of why we need Bitcoin.
  • "How does Bitcoin do that?" Which lets you dive into proof-of-work and bitcoin's technical innovations
I mentioned Bitcoin to someone I work with, someone I really respect. And they were like... "but what happens when the central computer gets hacked" "what happens when the government shuts it down" "someone could just make more"
They wouldn't have been responsive to anything I said. And there are lots of people like this.
On a positive note, another person I spoke with recently... he was open to it. Was genuinely curious. Didn't know anything about it, and didn't have a computer-background but at least wasn't outright dismissive. I would like to think that eventually these people are the future.
32 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin 13h
Next time send them these links:
thank you
I should add, a very important tactic is to move the conversation away from “price”, “investment”, or “returns”. Focus on the what and the why of bitcoin and don’t let them move the conversation into a way to make money
See that's the kicker. That's what a lot (most?) people are interested in though. Or they ask ok 'how much is one' and they think they have to buy a whole one.
They are much less open to the idea of buying or acquiring 'sats'. Sats at any price, acquired with a long term horizion, especially at regular intervals makes the most sense but it's very hard to get people 'there'..
I have had very limited success, and this is with smart, educated people.
I have no time to talk to such small minded people, doesn’t matter how “smart” or “educated” they are.
I, too, am puzzled by the fact people are not interested in stacking sats.
I have a friend who I explained Bitcoin to over a year ago and he's still only interested in trading it or investing for a quick gain.
Since the time I introduced him to Bitcoin, the fiat price has increased by 2.5x, and yet he hasn't stacked a single sat or done anything at all related to bitcoin.
I don't know what's on his mind.