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StackerNews has a great cowboy theme going on, but referencing a couple posts earlier about pirates, I got to thinking, which pop culture group is closest to the bitcoin ethos?
  • Cowboys
    • The unofficial mascosts of SN. Cowboys are independent minded people building a new society and new institutions out on the frontier. Like Cowboys, Bitcoiners are seeking to build up a new society away from outdated and corrupt traditional systems.
  • Pirates
    • Like Cowboys, Pirates are tough and independent minded folk building up their own society with their own codes of ethics out on the frontier. The main difference with Cowboys is that Pirates are more explicitly anti-state and will take direct action against state actors. Like Pirates, Bitcoiners distrust the state and some would like to see it overthrown. Also like Pirates, Bitcoiners sometimes lose their treasure and have to go on a treasure hunt to dig it up.
  • Ninjas
    • Ninjas are shadowy operatives who seek political goals using deception and subterfuge. FA Hayek best embodied the ninja mindset when he said that "by some sneaky roundabout way", someone would need to bring about the "denationalization of money." Like Ninjas, Bitcoiners are seeking an objective in a roundabout way that will be difficult to stop using direct force.
  • Zombies
    • When you catch the Bitcoin virus, sometimes known as taking the orange pill, it becomes hard to stop thinking about Bitcoin. Like Zombies, Bitcoiners can be single minded and move in unstoppable waves of forceful opinions. Will the Bitcoin virus spread to more and more people?
  • Other
    • Think another group best encapsulates Bitcoiners? Leave it in the comments! The only group you're not allowed to say is "Hackers" or "Cypherpunks", because c'mon, we already know that that's what Bitcoiners are most akin to!
Other (please leave a comment)17.2%
29 votes
Homesteaders. Part explorer, part builder, part settler. Cowboys get all the glory but homesteaders created everything there was to fight over.
The group who I'd vote for... That would be classical musicians. Classically-trained musicians. That and astronauts
Classically trained musicians... now that's not something I'd ever associate with Bitcoin lol
engineers, astronauts, and classically trained musicians
i like to identify with the people who were unplugged from the matrix.
I guess that would be pretty close to hackers and cyberpunks
We are Cowboys in the Wild West of Bitcoin where we will face the bandits of the Fiat system.
Pirates also run against the state.
Pirates. It fits better with the vision of SN as a port.
It's hard to not vote for cowboys on stacker
Ranchers and territory owners.
I think I'm a zombie 😂😂😂😂
Indians = fiat lol
Of course it would be cowboys who arent sat farmers.