IMHO, LightningPub is a a wonderful solution. I was playing around with it a bit. Still needs more improvements and fixes, is still early for massive use. But that doesn't mean knowledgeable bitcoiners should not try it and communicate with Justin all the issues and improve it.
hasn't chimed in for a while
I know he's busy coding and usually devs do not have time to spend on SN. That's why they have me :) as the interface to talk and support the users.
Maybe if he posts a guide?
You already have it here: But needs some more "love" adding more details. I was thinking to update it, but I also need to study more and Shock wallet to be able to have a clear view of how is going.
Maybe I will write a full Darth guide about Shockwallet for newbies. IDK when.
nevertheless, even using solutions like LNBits, Alby, LN pub etc, we still do not solve the friction problem, using an external wallet with SN.
I stand my ground: keep cowboy credits for upvotes and zaps (sats) as extra separate appreciation for OP.
For example right now I zap you 100 sats. So SN is intercepting that zap and create a LN invoice of 70 sats from your node and pay it. All this could be avoided, fees, friction, liquidity etc that is created for nothing if the zap is truly p2p separately from SN. People will find out soon that Darth is always right.
nevertheless, even using solutions like LNBits, Alby, LN pub etc, we still do not solve the friction problem, using an external wallet with SN
Yes, that's my point. I know how you feel about cc's, but I think the consensus is that SN loses something without real bitcoin. Even fedi isn't a perfect substitute.
Is not about my "feelings" towards CCs. is more about a lot of experience running LN nodes and experimenting with a lot of stuff... I am not talking just for talking.
You will see many posts after 5th Nov... with people not understanding what is going on and where are their sats. A lot of chaos I foresee.
I meant your opinion, not your emotions.😀 IMO there is no substitute for real bitcoin for incentivizing quality content. Cowboy credits will work, and they will be easier, but then what distinguishes SN from reddit? Didn't they even start their own Shitcoin?
what distinguishes SN from reddit?
  • The option to send sats separately with 1 click, directly P2P not through SN. That way who is zapping will think twice when, how much and to who.
  • SN could create a wonderful game with CCs, a gamification inside SN and using these CC ONLY for up/down voting posts. Is not a big deal. Not everything in this world should be done only with sats. And LN is not ready for that yet.
Can you explain
The option to send sats separately with 1 click, directly P2P not through SN.
I'm having trouble visualizing what you mean here.
Right now SN act as "interceptor" of the zaps. That means stackers still don't get it what is going on behind the curtains. But there is a lot going on with all these intercepting zaps and forward the sats. SN wants a cut from these zaps. Fine with that. But is generating a lot of friction and trouble, confusion for many.
When people will realize that zapping 21 sats the other party will get 14 sats and also paying some fees, will not going to zap so much.
Instead, by using CCs will be mush easier and could create much volume in zaps.
If you separate votes from zaps and let the stackers zap each others freely without interception (like on nostr) that is also creating a much clean flow of sats and with amounts that really matter, not 1-10-21-100 sats. Even on nostr I see it dumb to zap each others 1-21-100 sats. I do it myself but more for testing purposes.
People will see that is not feasible to send 21 sats and pay 2-3 sats in fees...
For example I could easily zap you now 21 sats just because you asked an important question. But I do not do it. Why? Because I know you are using an external wallet. That means you will receive 14 sats and will be paid some fees too. Instead, I will zap you later a larger amount on another post, accumulating all my previous intentions of zapping. Why? To avoid friction, because I know what is going on behind all this.
Is there a scenario where the site owners/devs are fairly compensated without causing the friction?
Yes create a "general store" for CCs.
Yes that sounds like creating a shitcoin but is not.
Or using a LNDHUB system (like in LNbits) for internal use.