I've been using Github and (the hosted) Gitlab for years. Been taking gitea for a spin for a few weeks, hosting it on a local machine. I have a handful of repos there, and mostly use it for issue tracking and keeping an off-box copy of in-flight branches.
It seems really solid. Has a lot of the commonly-used features you'd expect from something like Github: pull request management, branch management, issue tracking, even has nice annotations for signed commits! If you want to play with it:
the baseline docker compose file there will use sqlite as the backing database, but there are notes on using mysql or postgres. Check it out!
I love gitea - it's super fast and lightweight.
The only reason it's not our primary GIT provider is the lack of an integrated CI/CD pipeline capability.
Oh, that's a no go for me then. And also for every team that tries to keep quality up while employing 50yo or fresh college graduates.
+100 sats. Gitea is nice and even supports Pages (https://codeberg.org/Codeberg/pages-server). I use Codeberg.org as a hosted version of Gitea.
Nice! I've been looking for a lightweight way to host my own git repos. I wonder if it supports auto-syncing from Github remotes... there're a lot of projects hosted on there that I'd like to have an up-to-date backup of.
I think that self-hosted git (or fossil or whatever) has a fundamental problem that you can't credibly guarantee that your server will be available tomorrow.
"Oh but git is decentralized" I hear. Yes but unless there's some standard replication discovery (git+nostr?) it's useless.
For now the best shots seem to be Radicl, Gitopia and Valist. Unfortunately they're all beta at most, and also shitcoin-related.
It's useless since no one can contribute to your projects without making an account. And even then you have to configure a very complicated SSH access and your contributors have to configure their keys in a weird GUI.
AFAIK, Gitea is working on federation, so you will be able to login from any instance. Also you can create repos and edit files via the web browser. Better than Github which bans accounts for no reason.
One-click install on Umbrel. I like self-hosted things.