According to Ihben (the father), Burnett (the judge) told the couple that it was his “personal opinion that not vaccinating your children is child abuse.” He then told the couple that whichever parent would be willing to vaccinate the children that same day would leave the courthouse with custody.
The judge should be introduced to a tree by the end of a rope. These petty tyrants don’t give a good g-d damn about other people or their health. And, they won’t quit because they feel good by doing “right”. Why do we put trust into these jackasses.
Tragic. Especially the abandonment by the mother afterwards. She sounds like a real piece of work, as does the judge.
As you can see above, I think the judge should be permanently removed with extreme prejudice for his actions. He should have known better. The mother’s lawyer should be hunted down and treated like the rabid animal he is, too, Life is to precious for this kind of sh*t.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Nuttall 7h
I could be wrong but it seems like the intention of the courts is to scare people into not having children which is exactly what eugenics people want. Punish people for having children and being so stupid that they need the state to discipline the parents.
This is one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto: Destroy the family. Then nothing stands between the individual and the state. More raw power for the state, just like Emperor Pallantine of Star Wars fame.