Today I was reading in Mark 4:30
30 Yahshuah also said, “How should we picture the kingdom of God? Or by what story shall we present it? 31 It is like a mustard seed when it’s planted in the ground. Though the smallest of all seeds in the earth, 32 yet when planted it grows up and becomes the largest of all the herbs. It puts forth big branches, so the birds of the air can nest in its shade.
It got me thinking about a picture I saw of Keplers Platonic solids. And it got me thinking about the original Greek used for Mustard. Sinapi. Sin a Pi. Awhile back I made a calendar I called the 'Magdalene Calendar" as it was a circular calendar based on PI. Magdalene's feast day according to Catholics is 7/22, when I started to think about PI and circles I realized that fractions such as 22/7 are commonly used to approximate it. So I did this graphic. 7/22 is the South position of the calendar and sits directly at the point between the Sun and the Moon via Leo and Cancer. If we think in terms of the Mother and Father in the Zodiac as being the Sun and Moon that leaves 10 houses. We can see that by doing this alignment at 7/22 the 'parents' sit at the base of the circle leaving 5 sets of 'twins'. Light and Dark, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. There are 5 Platonic Solids encapsulated within Keplers Mysterium Cosmographicum solar system model. In the PI equation it says Cos I Sin. Literally both PI and the Mustard seed say SIN and PI. Is Yahshuah saying that the world of Form we know as this solar system has the potential to be The Kingdom of God, or is it already? We just aren't seeing it because of 'Sin"? What are your thoughts?
As an astrologer, I can say that the world of form is a kind of stand-in if you know how to look at it that gives you an idea concerning pieces of the soul and their potentials. You cannot, of course, arrive at this understanding by only looking at the outward appearances. So yes, there is a hidden world behind the material facade that is endowed with specific kinds of meaning. I would imagine, then, that the Heavenly Kingdom which is hidden for a time is somewhat like this until it is revealed.
Could you please expound further? Are you saying from the pov of ones Astrological chart and the planets and their alignments in your chart? There are levels of potential and sin is hiding those potentials?
The chart shows what manner of entanglements are present, which have caused a kind of "sin" to screw up the spiritual balance of the soul. Basically, a person experiences those polarization until they "get in the middle" of the chart. The only way to do that is to be a master, or have one on speed dial.
So how would that pertain to the mustard seed and the understanding of the Kingdom through the expression of time and elements, if my hypothesis is correct?
In other words in my chart I think I showed you the 4th house, and that is where on a calendar 7/22 or the day that is between Cancer and Leo. The 4th house is in Virgo, Mercury would then apply to one of the Platonic Solids, I suppose I need to map that out first to understand it better? lol
The mustard seed concerns faith. Faith is the area or Sagittarius or the Ninth house. A pure faith, ostensibly, is required to see the kingdom. A fractured faith, on the other hand, sees other things and mistakes them for the kingdom. Therefore, the fourth house would be the disruption experienced until nothing is left potentially but the kingdom--a hard road, to be sure.
I don't feel smart another to understand this post. I get the feeling it's a good one. 💚
I am not sure I am smart enough to understand it either, however that never stops me from trying. God is always talking to me and showing me things, sometimes it takes me years to see or understand. Some things I still don't understand.
I sometimes feel like I learn things through osmosis. Like I have lots of books I don't read. But over time the information comes to me slowly. I've always felt I learned differently than most. In school I could ace tests without really knowing the content very well. I am a better feeler than thinker. I am a good "guesser".
Yes, same! I just cleaned out about 200 books, have another 500 I haven't read. My husband is much smarter tho, he actually reads.
My wife is smart that way. I have always felt smart but in a different way. I set an intention to understand something and eventually it comes to me.
I think there are many types of Intelligence, The Creator is very creative!
That's for sure.
Oh I don't think that is true!
110 sats \ 0 replies \ @anna 8h
I love an in-depth post like this to get me thinking, thank you! (So much to learn, I do feel what you’re saying, @DesertDave :) )
There is so much to unravel in the story of Adam & Eve, and I tend to view it as the discovery of duality by humanity - not a negative event, just necessary to observe the world as we know it.
It is an interesting parallel that we use cos and sin mathematically to separate a force into orthogonal vectors. In a sense, applying duality to understand it more clearly.
Hopefully I’m following you.. I do believe we live in the Kingdom of God with sin (separation, duality) preventing us from seeing this (oneness, non-duality)